browsers are smarts All Server side processes are moving to client side. Client side business logic Client side routing Client side access control Client side data storage Caching etc.
user inputs like Source of input Content of input How it was transmitted Check for immutability Secure Identity of User Always check authentication and authorization Always have Role and User Based Access Control on server
and Session Management Insecure Direct Object References Cross Site Request Forgery Security Misconfiguration Insecure Cryptographic Storage Failure to restrict URL Access Insufficient Transport Layer Protection Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
the attacker to execute the scripts on the victim’s browser. Can run Malwares in your application TRUST Do not trust user input Set content security policy Use proper response headers
application in which user session is active. Can manipulate User’s data TRUST, DATA TRANSMISSION Always use HTTPS Implement anti CSRF token SameSite flag in cookie Check the data