controls So far a developer has to rewrite DOM to have different theme for UI controls such as checkbox, radio buttons. Now supported in all major browsers, Chromium, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Samsung browser
far a developer has to depend on third party libraries for adding modal popups . Now supported in all major browsers, Chromium, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Mobile browsers
and time So far a developer has to depend on third party libraries adding controls for the date time input. Now supported in all major browsers, Chromium, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Mobile browsers
of the COLRv0 font format intended to make color fonts widespread by adding gradients, compositing and blending, and improved internal shape reuse for crisp and compact font files that compress well. Now supported in all major browsers, Chromium, Edge
Earlier it was only for images now it’s available for all the elements Now supported in all major browsers, Chromium, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Mobile browsers
third-party cookie is tied to the top-level site where it's initially set and cannot be accessed from elsewhere. The aim is to allow cookies to be set by a third-party service, but only read within the context of the top-level site where they were initially set. This is to prevent cross site tracking At experiment stage in, Chromium,
this user. const topics = await document.browsingTopics(); value: a number identifying the topic in the taxonomy taxonomyVersion: a string identifying the set of topics currently in use by the browser classifierVersion: a string identifying the machine-learning classifier used to infer site topics from hostnames
OS and Devices Developers can customize media notifications and playback controls with the Media Session API Now supported in all major browsers, Chromium, Edge, Safari, Samsung browser