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Introduction to Web3.0

Introduction to Web3.0

Introduction to Web3.0

Hiren Dave

April 30, 2022

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  1. Introduction to Web 3 Hiren Dave Senior Tech Lead, iBASEt

    India Software Pvt Ltd Co Organizer GDG Ahmedabad @hjdave
  2. GDG Ahmedabad Web 1.0 Read Only Static • It’s the

    first iteration of web • Websites with static HTML • Most of the content is either text or image • Not much interactions - Just see or download • There was no concept of database
  3. GDG Ahmedabad Web 2.0 Read Write Interactive • It’s the

    Second iteration of web • Web applications with dynamic content • Variety of contents available • Highly Interactive web applications • Data is stored in cloud / databases • Allows user to be creator, for example blogs, videos
  4. GDG Ahmedabad Web 3.0 Read Write Own • It is

    decentralized • It is permissionless • It has built in native payments • It is trustless • It is self governing
  5. GDG Ahmedabad What is decentralized Internet? The Meaning of Decentralization

    Decentralized means that not one single entity has control over all the processing. Consumers accessing the internet through services mediated by companies Big Techs, contributors, themselves, own and govern sections of the internet.
  6. GDG Ahmedabad What is permissionless? The Meaning of permissionless Everyone

    has equal access to participate in Web3. No one gets excluded or no third party permissions are required.
  7. GDG Ahmedabad Built In Native Payment Introducing tokens It enforcers

    usage of cryptocurrency for spending and sending money online instead of relying on the outdated payment systems like bank or third party payment gateways. Tokens are considered as financial incentives for anyone who is contributing or governing in Web3.0.
  8. GDG Ahmedabad Ownership You own the content through token (NFT)

    Web3 gives you ownership of your digital assets by way of token. For example, you created nice graphics and uploaded it to some web applications through the account. If the owner delete your account you lost your graphics. Web3 allows for direct ownership through non-fungible tokens (NFTs). No one, has the power to take away your ownership. You can trade in Web3 by way of NFTs.
  9. GDG Ahmedabad Protection against Censorship Protect your reputation If you

    are creating specific type of contents in platforms. The owners has right to put censorship on the platform. If they does you loss your reputation on the platform. On Web3, your data lives on the blockchain. When you decide to leave a platform, you can take your reputation with you and plugin to another platform.
  10. GDG Ahmedabad Identity Maintain your identity You create account on

    many platforms. To make a change in that you have to do it across the platforms. Web3 solves these problems by allowing you to control your digital identity with an Ethereum address and ENS profile.
  11. GDG Ahmedabad Building Blocks Web 3.0 Some of building blocks

    on Web 3.0 • DeFi - Decentralized Finance • DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) • Technologies like Ethereum, Solidity
  12. GDG Ahmedabad DeFi - Decentralized Finance Open Finance movement How

    about an open alternative to every financial service like savings, loans, trading, insurance etc. All accessible to anyone in the world with a smartphone and internet connection. This is now possible on smart contract blockchains, like Ethereum. “Smart contracts” are programs running on the blockchain that can execute automatically when certain conditions are met.
  13. GDG Ahmedabad DAO Decentralized Autonomous Organization DAO - The DAO

    was an organization created by developers to automate decisions and facilitate cryptocurrency transactions.
  14. GDG Ahmedabad Technologies Technologies of Web3.0 • Learn about blockchain.

    • Learn about smart contracts. • Learn about creating interfaces with blockchain. • Technologies like Ethereum, Solidity, ethers.js, web3.js
  15. GDG Ahmedabad Resources • https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/intro-to-et hereum/ • https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.4/ • https://docs.ethers.io/v5/

    • https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.3/ • https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/smart-cont racts/ • https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.2.11/web3-eth-co ntract.html • https://ethereum.org/en/developers/tutorials/hello-w orld-smart-contract/