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Managing Your Online Footprint

Managing Your Online Footprint

The audience was a group of high schoolers.

Heather Noggle

July 03, 2024

More Decks by Heather Noggle

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Who Is This Human? https://www.heathernoggle.com What Why Heather Noggle I

    work where people and technology meet, especially in cybersecurity. (I have never heard of [Kid 1] or [Kid 2] Noggle)
  2. What’s a Digital Footprint? • The “trail of data” you

    leave when you’re doing online things. • Also • Data others hold about you • Data you offer freely on social media
  3. “How to Become a Digital Ghost” • Know all of

    your email addresses and delete emails • Delete all old (unused) accounts and their data, including those email accounts. • Remove yourself from Google (cached information) • Research Google Console • Google.com/webmasters/tools/removals • Google’s activity controls • Use a VPN online and a secure browser Paraphrased from a carousel from Abi Bouhmaida
  4. The Password Is…Insecure “…with half of Gen Z and 41

    percent of Millennials admitting to using personal information like names of family members or pets, dates and places when creating passwords.” Survey - CybSafe
  5. What Can You Control? •Which platforms you use and privacy

    settings on them •What you put online •What you search for •Your “cyber hygiene” •What you know and understand
  6. What’s Cybersecurity? The practice of defending all the online stuff

    from malicious attacks. People, processes, and technology protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Keeping private data private and enabling proper access to public data.
  7. Cybersecurity for People Cyber Hygiene • Password Practices • Multifactor

    Authentication • Phone and Computer Software Updates • Data Backup • Email, Text, Voicemail and other Anti-Fraud Practices • Antimalware Software • Regular Learning HN0
  8. Consider a Career in Cybersecurity • Monitor network communication for

    odd things • Help companies and non-profits ensure compliance and good cybersecurity risk strategy • Break in – simulate being a “bad actor” – penetration testing • Teach or train • At a college • At companies and non-profits • Within a company – a security awareness professional • Build secure software