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An Introduction to Domain Storytelling @ DDD Ir...

Stefan Hofer
September 10, 2020

An Introduction to Domain Storytelling @ DDD Iran [ENG]

Stefan Hofer

September 10, 2020

More Decks by Stefan Hofer

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  1. Brought to you by Stefan (@hofstef) who works for WPS

    – Workplace Solutions Ltd. in Germany.
  2. Fach- sprach e Why Domain Storytelling? common understanding There is

    more! • Finding bounded contexts/service boundaries • Designing a domain model • Working with requirements • Designing workflows • …
  3. @hofstef @wps_de Schedule 1. See how it works (demo) 2.

    Understand how it works 3. Real-world examples 4. Your questions
  4. @hofstef @wps_de …orders transport at …creates new order in …prints

    reservation New order transport reservation orders prints in creates at
  5. @hofstef @wps_de The gate agent orders a transport at the

    bus dispatcher. orders transport bus dispatcher gate agent
  6. @hofstef @wps_de orders transport bus dispatcher gate agent 1 order

    creates scheduling system 2 assigns 3 bus order
  7. @hofstef @wps_de gives assignment bus driver bus dispatcher 5 assignment

    completed to 7 notifies marks as completed assignment scheduling system 8
  8. @hofstef @wps_de Draw here Leave some empty space there →

    Annotations, variations, and purpose Preconditions, assumptions, and triggers
  9. @hofstef @wps_de draw.io, Viso, Gliphy, Miro… asks for Reservation (movie,

    time, seats) cashier customer 1 Screen plan finds available seats in CineSoft 2 seats recommends 3
  10. @hofstef @wps_de A Glimpse of the Initial Product Backlog Nr

    User Story Nutzen Prio 1 Als Busfahrer melde ich mich mit der Ausweisnummer an der Bus APP an, um die notwendige Authentifizierung und Autorisierung durchzuführen Hoch 1 2 Als Busfahrer bearbeite ich meinen Auftrag in der Bus APP, um abrechnungsrelevante Daten zu dokumentieren Hoch 2 3 Als Busfahrer melde ich eine Störung zum Auftrag in der Bus APP, um dem Disponenten die Möglichkeit zum adhoc Eingriff in den Prozess zu ermöglichen Mittel 6 4 Als Busfahrer kann ich eine Pause anfragen, um nach der Umsetzung den gesetzlichen Anforderungen zu genügen Hoch 3
  11. @hofstef @wps_de Twitter: @hofstef @hschwentner #DomainStorytelling Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/hofstef Book: https://leanpub.com/domainstorytelling

    Resources: https://github.com/hofstef/awesome-domain-storytelling Slack: ddd-cqrs-es.slack.com Invite yourself: http://j.mp/ddd-es-cqrs Slack Channel: #domain-storytelling http://domainstorytelling.org The pictures used in this talk are public domain, unless noted otherwise. Screenshots and examples © WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH