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Domain Storytelling Training with DDDEU

Domain Storytelling Training with DDDEU

The 1 day will be split over 2 half days: 16/06 and 17/06 from 14:00 to 18:00 CEST.

In this workshop, you will learn how Domain Storytelling ((www.domainstorytelling.org)) helps you to analyze your domain and to support it with domain-driven business software. Domain Storytelling transports the knowledge from the domain experts' heads into the heads of developers, product owners, product managers and business analysts. Domain Storytelling brings these roles together in workshops where they learn and coordinate. Their common understanding of tasks and business processes is documented as a picture with simple pictograms.

Domain Storytelling is especially suited for

understanding a domain,
establishing a shared language between domain experts and IT expert,
talking about software requirements,
and designing viable, software-supported business processes.
Of course the workshop will cover how to apply Domain Storytelling in remote work settings.

The workshop does not require programming skills. It is suited for people working as software developers, user experience designers, Scrum masters, product owners, product managers, project managers, and business analysts.

Stefan Hofer

June 16, 2020

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  1. Brought to you by Stefan (@hofstef) and Henning (@hschwentner). We

    are two DDD Enthusiasts working at WPS – Workplace Solutions GmbH in the beautiful city of Hamburg.
  2. @hofstef @hschwentner Paul Rayner‘s 3 pillars* of DDD (as explained

    at Explore DDD 2018) *) plus Ubiquitous Language as an overarching principle Picture: Martin Schimak @martinschimak
  3. @hofstef @hschwentner The sales person passes the contract on to

    the risk manager. passes on RISK MANAGER SALES PERSON to CONTRACT
  4. @hofstef @hschwentner Draw here Leave some empty space there →

    Annotations, variations, and purpose Preconditions, assumptions, and triggers
  5. @hofstef @hschwentner PowerPoint, yEd, Viso, gliphy… asks for Reservation (movie,

    time, seats) cashier movie-goer 1 Screen plan finds available seats in CineSoft 2 seats recommends 3
  6. Remote • Shared Tool (that can be seen by everybody)

    • Video On • Split Moderator/Modeler • Two-Screen-Setup • Shared Whiteboard
  7. Purpose • Learn Domain Language • Find Boundaries (Strategic) •

    Model in Code (Tactical) • Discover Business Needs • (Support Organizational Change) • Process Optimization • Change Mgmt • (Workflow Automation) • (Find Shadow IT)