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mruby: a packaging story filled with freedom -...

September 24, 2015

mruby: a packaging story filled with freedom - Rocky Mountain Ruby 2015

Ruby is a great language for building CLIs. Libraries such as Thor, GLI, or even OptionParser make creating command line applications even easier. Many tools we use everyday are built upon these libraries such as `chef`, the heroku toolbelt, @sferik’s twitter client `t`, and of course the `rails` command line tool.

Building a CLI in Ruby is so easy, however distributing your tool to end users is often the most challenging part. We often run into problems because the Ruby runtime is a dependency and it’s not always available or compatible with our applications. Many of the solutions that exist are problematic, such as packaging the full runtime as part of the application. We are starting to see many people switching to Go for it’s portability like Vagrant, CloudFoundry, and `hub`, the Github command-line tool.

But there’s still hope! In 2012, Matz released a lightweight embeddable ruby called mruby which is designed for being embedded in other compiled languages. mruby: a packaging story filled with freedom. In this talk we’ll look how we can write CLI tools using mruby to produce a self-contained binary that can be shipped to end users.

mruby: a packaging story filled with freedom - Madison+ Ruby 2015 by hone

Published August 21, 2015 in Programming

Ruby is a great language for building CLIs. Libraries such as Thor, GLI, or even OptionParser make creating command line applications even easier. Many tools we use everyday are built upon these libraries such as `chef`, the heroku toolbelt, @sferik’s twitter client `t`, and of course the `rails` command line tool.

Building a CLI in Ruby is so easy, however distributing your tool to end users is often the most challenging part. We often run into problems because the Ruby runtime is a dependency and it’s not always available or compatible with our applications. Many of the solutions that exist are problematic, such as packaging the full runtime as part of the application. We are starting to see many people switching to Go for it’s portability like Vagrant, CloudFoundry, and `hub`, the Github command-line tool.

But there’s still hope! In 2012, Matz released a lightweight embeddable ruby called mruby which is designed for being embedded in other compiled languages. mruby: a packaging story filled with freedom. In this talk we’ll look how we can write CLI tools using mruby to produce a self-contained binary that can be shipped to end users.


September 24, 2015

More Decks by hone

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  1. Tipsy Chicken grilled chicken grilled corn green chiles baby spinach

    maple bacon bourbon marmalade cheddar cheese chipotle ranch
  2. hk

  3. Traveling Ruby • no need to rewrite your app •

    packages your app as a directory • runtime packaging is taken care of • can leverage rubygems ecosystem • native gems limited to precompiled exts
  4. mrblib ├── [4.0K] mrblib │ ├── [4.0K] mruby-cli │ │

    ├── [ 697] cli.rb │ │ ├── [ 424] help.rb │ │ ├── [ 403] option.rb │ │ ├── [1022] options.rb │ │ ├── [8.0K] setup.rb │ │ ├── [ 238] util.rb │ │ └── [ 206] version.rb │ └── [ 53] mruby-cli.rb
  5. MRI # hello_world.rb puts 'Hello World' $ time ruby hello.rb

    Hello World real 0m0.041s user 0m0.028s sys 0m0.008s
  6. mruby-cli # mrblib/hello.rb def __main__(argv) puts "Hello World" end $

    time mruby/build/host/bin/hello Hello World real 0m0.003s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s
  7. $ docker-compose run compile Build summary: ================================================ Config Name: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

    Output Directory: build/host Included Gems: mruby-print - standard print/puts/p mruby-sprintf - standard Kernel#sprintf method mruby-time - standard Time class mruby-io mruby-mtest hello - hello - Binaries: hello ================================================
  8. ================================================ Config Name: x86_64-apple-darwin14 Output Directory: build/x86_64-apple-darwin14 Included Gems: mruby-print

    - standard print/puts/p mruby-sprintf - standard Kernel#sprintf method mruby-time - standard Time class mruby-io mruby-mtest hello - hello - Binaries: hello ================================================
  9. ================================================ Config Name: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Output Directory: build/x86_64-w64-mingw32 Included Gems: mruby-print

    - standard print/puts/p mruby-sprintf - standard Kernel#sprintf method mruby-time - standard Time class mruby-io mruby-mtest hello - hello - Binaries: hello ================================================
  10. Hello World Example $ mruby-cli --setup hello $ cd hello

    $ docker-compose run compile $ docker-compose run shell # mruby/build/host/bin/hello
  11. Hello World Example $ mruby-cli --setup hello $ cd hello

    $ docker-compose run compile $ docker-compose run shell # mruby/build/host/bin/hello Hello World
  12. Hello World Example $ mruby/bin/mruby-cli --setup hello create .gitignore create

    mrbgem.rake create build_config.rb create Rakefile create Dockerfile create docker-compose.yml create tools/ create tools/hello/ create tools/hello/hello.c create mrblib/ create mrblib/hello.rb create mrblib/hello/ create mrblib/hello/version.rb create bintest/ create bintest/hello.rb create test/ create test/test_hello.rb
  13. mruby is the lightweight implementation of the Ruby language complying

    with part of the ISO standard. mruby can be linked and embedded within your application.
  14. Interpret (*.rb) $ mruby/bin/mruby -e "puts 'Hello World'" Hello World

    $ mruby/bin/mruby hello_world.rb Hello World
  15. Binary C Code (*.c) $ mruby/bin/mrbc -o hello_world.c - Bhello_world

    hello_world.rb $ cat hello_world.c /* dumped in little endian order. use `mrbc -E` option for big endian CPU. */ #include <stdint.h> const uint8_t #if defined __GNUC__ __attribute__((aligned(4))) #elif defined _MSC_VER __declspec(align(4)) #endif hello_world[] = { 0x45,0x54,0x49,0x52,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x33,0xcb,0xa4,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x65,0x4d,0x41,...}; This is an FYI No need to read this C code
  16. int main(void) { mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open(); mrbc_context *c; mrb_value

    v; c = mrbc_context_new(mrb); mrb_load_irep_cxt(mrb, hello_world, c); mrbc_context_free(mrb, c); return 0; }
  17. int main(void) { mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open(); mrbc_context *c; mrb_value

    v; c = mrbc_context_new(mrb); mrb_load_irep_cxt(mrb, hello_world, c); mrbc_context_free(mrb, c); return 0; }
  18. tools/hello/hello.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> /* Include the mruby header

    */ #include <mruby.h> #include <mruby/array.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open(); mrb_value ARGV = mrb_ary_new_capa(mrb, argc); int i; int return_value; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { mrb_ary_push(mrb, ARGV, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, argv[i])); } mrb_define_global_const(mrb, "ARGV", ARGV); // call __main__(ARGV) mrb_funcall(mrb, mrb_top_self(mrb), "__main__", 1, ARGV); return_value = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (mrb->exc) { mrb_print_error(mrb); return_value = EXIT_FAILURE; } mrb_close(mrb); return return_value; } This is an FYI No need to read this C code
  19. mrblib ├── [4.0K] mrblib │ ├── [4.0K] mruby-cli │ │

    ├── [ 697] cli.rb │ │ ├── [ 424] help.rb │ │ ├── [ 403] option.rb │ │ ├── [1022] options.rb │ │ ├── [8.0K] setup.rb │ │ ├── [ 238] util.rb │ │ └── [ 206] version.rb │ └── [ 53] mruby-cli.rb
  20. Rakefile $ rake -T rake all # build all targets...

    rake clean # clean all built.. rake compile # compile all the binaries rake release # generate release tarballs rake test # run all tests rake test:bintest # run integration tests rake test:mtest # run mruby & unit tests
  21. build_config.rb MRuby::CrossBuild.new('x86_64-apple-darwin14') do |conf| toolchain :clang [conf.cc, conf.linker].each do |cc|

    cc.command = 'x86_64-apple-darwin14-clang' end conf.cxx.command = 'x86_64-apple-darwin14-clang++' conf.archiver.command = 'x86_64-apple-darwin14-ar' conf.build_target = 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' conf.host_target = 'x86_64-apple-darwin14' gem_config(conf) end
  22. $ docker-compose run compile Build summary: ================================================ Config Name: host

    Output Directory: build/host Binaries: mrbc Included Gems: mruby-print - standard print/puts/p mruby-sprintf - standard Kernel#sprintf method mruby-time - standard Time class mruby-io mruby-mtest hello - hello - Binaries: hello mruby-compiler - mruby compiler library mruby-bin-mrbc - mruby compiler executable ================================================
  23. mrbgem.rake MRuby::Gem::Specification.new('hello') do |spec| spec.license = 'MIT' spec.authors = ['Terence

    Lee'] spec.summary = 'hello world' spec.bins = ['hello'] spec.add_dependency 'mruby-print', :core => 'mruby- print' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-mtest', :mgem => 'mruby- mtest' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-yaml', :github => 'hone/mruby-yaml' end
  24. mrbgem.rake MRuby::Gem::Specification.new('hello') do |spec| spec.license = 'MIT' spec.authors = ['Terence

    Lee'] spec.summary = 'hello world' spec.bins = ['hello'] spec.add_dependency 'mruby-print', :core => 'mruby- print' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-mtest', :mgem => 'mruby- mtest' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-yaml', :github => 'hone/mruby-yaml' end
  25. core mrbgems ├── [4.0K] mruby-array-ext ├── [4.0K] mruby-bin-debugger ├── [4.0K]

    mruby-bin-mirb ├── [4.0K] mruby-bin-mrbc ├── [4.0K] mruby-bin-mruby ├── [4.0K] mruby-bin-mruby-config ├── [4.0K] mruby-bin-strip ├── [4.0K] mruby-compiler ├── [4.0K] mruby-enumerator
  26. mrbgem.rake MRuby::Gem::Specification.new('hello') do |spec| spec.license = 'MIT' spec.authors = ['Terence

    Lee'] spec.summary = 'hello world' spec.bins = ['hello'] spec.add_dependency 'mruby-print', :core => 'mruby- print' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-mtest', :mgem => 'mruby- mtest' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-yaml', :github => 'hone/mruby-yaml' end
  27. mrbgem.rake MRuby::Gem::Specification.new('hello') do |spec| spec.license = 'MIT' spec.authors = ['Terence

    Lee'] spec.summary = 'hello world' spec.bins = ['hello'] spec.add_dependency 'mruby-print', :core => 'mruby- print' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-mtest', :mgem => 'mruby- mtest' spec.add_dependency 'mruby-yaml', :github => 'hone/mruby-yaml' end
  28. build_config.rb def gem_config(conf) # be sure to include this gem

    conf.gem File.expand_path(File. dirname(__FILE__)) conf.gem :github => 'hone/mruby-yaml' end
  29. mtest module MRubyCLI class TestUtil < MTest::Unit::TestCase def test_camelize assert_equal

    "GoodNightMoon", Util.camelize ("good_night_moon") assert_equal "FooBarBaz", Util.camelize("foo- bar-baz") end end end MTest::Unit.new.run
  30. mtest (cont.) $ docker-compose run mtest >>> Test host <<<

    mrbtest - Embeddable Ruby Test .....S... # Running tests: .. Finished tests in 0.000305s, 6557.3770 tests/s, 26229.5082 assertions/s. 2 tests, 8 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
  31. bintest require 'open3' require 'tmpdir' BIN_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".. /mruby/bin/hello")

    assert('setup') do output, status = Open3.capture2("#{BIN_PATH}") assert_true status.success?, "Process did not exit cleanly" assert_include output, "Hello World" end

    OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 1997-2008, 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2
  33. Building a CLI App • download the mruby-cli binary •

    install Docker Toolbox • mruby-cli --setup calculator • add new functionality ◦ modify to build a calculator or just start with addition • docker-compose run compile • modify, recompile • tweet at me (@hone02)