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Why is building the Ruby environment hard?

Why is building the Ruby environment hard?

The Rubyists are facing the build error with missing libraries like openssl, libyaml and libffi issues when they install the new versions every year. Other people are facing issues of nokogiri, rmagick and others when they develop Rails application.

Why we got these issues everyday? I describe the build failure case and their solution from the ruby-build maintainer's point of view. Finally, I introduce the plan for the imcompatible changes about build process in Ruby 3.2 and Rust support of next version of RubyGems.


September 10, 2022

More Decks by SHIBATA Hiroshi

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Hiroshi SHIBATA @hsbt https://hsbt.org Executive Of fi cer VP of

    Engineering Technical Director at GMO Pepabo, Inc. @pepabo
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