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September 11, 2020



September 11, 2020

More Decks by phanhoang17

Other Decks in Research


  1. Graph Representation Learning?! - Viblo recommender engine - Graph-based recommender

    system for paper citation network - https://api.semanticscholar.org/v1/paper/arXiv:2006.07739 - https://jsoneditoronline.org/#left=cloud.f3946e860ca54e98934899f6f30eb475 - https://www.connectedpapers.com/
  2. Node Embedding - Cons - Unseen node? - Node feature?

    - Tranductive learning vs inductive learning
  3. Real use-case applications - PinSage / UberEat - Based on

    GraphSage paper (Haminton / 2017) - Heterogeneous graph / bipartite graph - Node Embedding: image + text feature, user info - Edge: Pin-Board, User-Dish, User-Restaurant relation
  4. Other tasks - 3D Object Detection - Action Recognition /

    Pose Estimation - GAN / VAE - GAT / Graph Transformer - Feature Matching - Key Information Extraction - Scene Graph Generation - Recommender System - ...
  5. Papers - Cluster-GCN / GraphSAINT - graph/sub-graph/node sampling - GAT

    (graph attention network) - GIN (graph isomorphism network) - Deep-GCN / Deeper-GCN - going deeper with GCN - ...