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Visualizing Github

Visualizing Github

A talk given at PyCon 2013 by Dana Bauer and Idan Gazit. See http://lanyrd.com/2013/pycon/scdywb/ and http://lanyrd.com/2013/pycon/scdywh/.

Idan Gazit

March 15, 2013

More Decks by Idan Gazit

Other Decks in Technology


  1. # setup python and pip requirements curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribut python

    distribute_setup.py easy_install pip pip install ipython tornado pyzmq pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. def clone_lang(lang, repos): """ Clone the most-watched repos for a

    given language """ print('*** Cloning {} repositories...'.format(lang)) langpath = REPOS_PATH.child(lang) local('mkdir -p {}'.format(langpath)) for r in repos: user, reponame = r.split('/') userpath = langpath.child(user) repopath = userpath.child(reponame) if repopath.exists(): print('Skipping {}...'.format(r)) continue print('Cloning {}'.format(r)) local('mkdir -p {}'.format(userpath)) with lcd(userpath): local('git clone https://github.com/{}.git'.format(r))
  3. snap-!b"#$%#% thank you for shopping at Dana & Idan’s data

    emporium! We appreciate your business.
  4. we hear you are flush. can haz a pony? —

    kthxbai. Dear IPython devs
  5. s h e l l s i n s i

    d e y o u r s h e l l s INCEPTION
  6. ghetto pair programming in the cloud Double your REPL, Double

    your fun attach to the same tmux session
  7. Break time! sudo go have a sandwich. Part II: Information

    to Meaning up next Idan Gazit, 3:15p
  8. Given the complexity of data, using it to provide a

    meaningful solution requires insights from diverse fields: statistics, data mining, graphic design, and information visualization. Ben Fry from “Visualizing Data”
  9. JavaScript Ruby Java Python Shell PHP C C++ Perl Obj-C

    873y40817 234 098 14092 309812 39182742 48714209 81239 84127498023 873y408
  10. // linear scale x = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 1.0]) .range([0, 255]);

    x(0); // == 0 x(0.5); // == 127.5 x(1); // == 255
  11. CSV mostly easy to serialize to* structured comes out the

    other side like a dict everything comes back as a string *unicode, meh
  12. [ { "type": "string", "name": "name" }, { "type": "int",

    "name": "rank" "extents": [ 0, 199 ], }, ...