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Performance as part of UX

December 05, 2014

Performance as part of UX

Slide presentation for Binus Startup Accelerator.


December 05, 2014

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  1. What is UX? “is the quality of experience a person

    has when interacting with a specific design” - Alben
  2. “UI Design is huge part of UX, but UX is

    not UI.” - Erik Flowers
  3. ❏ Performance in fact is underrated. ❏ A web with

    stunning UI but poor performance, is not usable.
  4. What make a good performance web ❏ High performance code

    ❏ Fast & Lightweight ❏ Minimum HTTP request
  5. What make a good performance web → High Performance Code

    HTML ❏ Put stylesheets on top, scripts at the bottom.
  6. ❏ Avoid div’s soup and deep nesting. What make a

    good performance web → High Performance Code HTML
  7. ❏ Do not declare any box-model related property on <html>

    and <body> tag unless you know what you’ re doing. ❏ Box-model property: ❏ Width, height, padding, margin. What make a good performance web → High Performance Code HTML
  8. ❏ Declare viewport meta tag. ❏ DO NOT disable pinch

    to zoom functionality. What make a good performance web → High Performance Code HTML <meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width”>
  9. ❏ Do not use @import, use <link> instead to reference

    a stylesheet. ❏ Go easy with box-shadow! ❏ Avoid deep nesting. ❏ Utilize transform and opacity properties to achieve smooth 60fps animation. What make a good performance web → High Performance Code CSS
  10. ❏ Prefer for loop rather than each loop. ❏ Cache

    selectors. ❏ Prefer vanilla Javascript rather than using library like jQuery. What make a good performance web → High Performance Code Javascript
  11. What make a good performance web Fast & Lightweight “it's

    not about how fast your site is; it's about how fast your users think it is.” - Mobify
  12. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight

    300ms tap delay Every touch-based mobile browser, has ~300ms delay between you tapping a thing on the screen and the browser considering it a "click". ❏ Delay demo ❏ No delay demo
  13. The reason for this is that the browser is waiting

    to see if you are actually performing a double tap. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight 300ms tap delay
  14. There are 2 ways to remove 300ms tap delay: ❏

    Use mobile-optimised viewport meta tag ❏ Use Javascript library to eliminate 300ms tap delay What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight 300ms tap delay
  15. <meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width”> What make a good performance web →

    Fast & Lightweight → 300ms tap delay Use mobile-optimised viewport meta tag References: ❏ HTML5Rocks ❏ Google Developer
  16. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight

    → 300ms tap delay Use JS library In Suitmedia, we use FastClick by Financial Times Lab to eliminate 300ms tap delay. FastClick.attach( document.body ); References: ❏ FastClick
  17. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight

    → 300ms tap delay Provide active state interaction To make your site feel faster, you need to make your buttons respond immediately to a user's touch and give that user a great visual indication that something is happening.
  18. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight

    → 300ms tap delay Provide active state interaction ❏ Add :active pseudo-class to any clickable element. ❏ Enable active state on mobile
  19. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight

    → 300ms tap delay Add :active pseudo-class button:active { background: #333; box-shadow: inset 0 0 5px #000; }
  20. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight

    → 300ms tap delay Enable active state on mobile document.addEventListener(‘touchstart’, function (){}, true);
  21. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight

    Assets Minification Minification (also known as uglifying) refers to the process of removing unnecessary or redundant data without affecting how the resource is processed by the browser.
  22. Minifying asset files greatly reduce file size What make a

    good performance web → Fast & Lightweight Assets Minification Library Name Uncompressed (KB) Compressed (KB) jQuery 283 96 Moment 252 127 Bootstrap (JS + CSS) 204 148
  23. Online services to minify assets: ❏ JS ❏ Uglify ❏

    Google Closure ❏ CSS ❏ CSS Shrink ❏ CSS Compressor What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight Assets Minification
  24. ❏ Most all web pages are dominated by images. What

    make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight Image Optimization
  25. ❏ And the most requested image type is JPG What

    make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight Image Optimization References: ❏ HTTP Archieve
  26. Image files contain a lot of information that is useless

    on the Web: ❏ Date ❏ Device Make ❏ Device Model ❏ Location ❏ Etc. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight Image Optimization
  27. None of those informations is used by the browser and

    it contributes to file size bloat. What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight Image Optimization
  28. Tools to optimize images: ❏ Smush It ❏ ImageOptim ❏

    Tiny PNG ❏ Tiny JPG What make a good performance web → Fast & Lightweight Image Optimization
  29. ❏ Whenever your web browser fetches a file (a page,

    a picture, etc) from a web server, it does so using HTTP. ❏ More HTTP request = more load time What make a good performance web Minimum HTTP Request
  30. There are ways to reduce HTTP request: ❏ Bundling all

    assets into 1 file ❏ Load-on-demand assets ❏ Lazy load images ❏ Image spriting What make a good performance web Minimum HTTP Request
  31. jquery.js What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP

    Request Bundling all assets into 1 file plugin-1.js plugin-2.js plugin-3.js bundle.js This method also applies to CSS files.
  32. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    Bundling all assets into 1 file “However, the obsession with blindly reducing down to one file isn’t healthy.” - getify.com
  33. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    Bundling all assets into 1 file ❏ Bundled JS file size can up to 500KB-1MB. HTTP request is reduced, but it ends up forcing user to download 1 bulk file in 1 request. ❏ As the web grows, more dependencies might be added. Resulting bigger file size to download.
  34. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    Load-on-demand assets ❏ Load asset whenever needed. ❏ Suitmedia use Modernizr to load asset asynchronously.
  35. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    Load-on-demand assets <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="moment.js"></script> <script src="datepicker.js"></script> <script src="someImageSlider.js"></script> <script src="fancyLightboxThingy.js"></script> <script src="oneMore.js"></script> <script src="main.js"></script>
  36. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    Load-on-demand assets <script src="main.js"></script>
  37. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    → Load-on-demand Assets Load single asset Modernizr.load({ load: ‘path/to/jquery.js’, complete: function () { // jQuery is loaded // Do your things } });
  38. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    → Load-on-demand Assets Load multiple assets asynchronously Modernizr.load({ load: [‘jquery.js’, ‘moment.js’], complete: function () { // jQuery and Moment is loaded // Do your things } });
  39. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request

    → Load-on-demand Assets Load multiple assets sequentially Modernizr.load([ { load: ‘jquery.js’ }, { load: ‘needJquery.js’, complete: function () { // Do your things } } ]);
  40. If you have a long web page with 20 or

    30 images in it, how many of them will be seen by your visitor? By default browser will download all images no matter what. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request Lazy load images
  41. Suitmedia use jQuery unveil to lazy load images. What make

    a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request Lazy load images <img src=“loader.gif” data-src=“original.jpg”> $(function () { $(‘img’).unveil(); }); Lazy load demo | no lazy load demo
  42. ❏ Combining several images into 1 image can also reduce

    http request. What make a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request Image spriting
  43. ❏ Then use CSS background-position property. ❏ Demo What make

    a good performance web → Minimum HTTP Request Image spriting
  44. ❏ Online service that will determine your site performances. ❏

    Test on any browsers from any server. ❏ Bandwidth throttling. Measure your site performance WebPagetest
  45. ❏ Open devtool. ctrl+shift+i (Win), CMD+Options+i. ❏ Navigate to timeline

    tab. ❏ Activate Frames Node. ❏ Start recording. Measure your site performance Chrome Developer Tool