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Experiments in “productive territories”

Experiments in “productive territories”

Experiments in “productive territories”

Paolo Gurisatti
Bilbao, May 29th, 2014

Insite Project

May 29, 2014

More Decks by Insite Project

Other Decks in Technology


  1. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Guiding Narrative

    • Green, Smart and Small – The narrative of green economy (social claim for a sustainable local development pattern) has been catalysed into the designing of a new technology framework: • Green Buildings • Smart Grids • Small (scale) plants for energy production
  2. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Scaffolding Structures

    • Casaclima – Local certification authority (2004) • Habitech – SMEs consortium (design) (2006) • GBC Italia – Global certification authority (2008) • Nuova Manifattura – Incubator (2010) • Re-Build – Annual event (real estate and refit) (2012)
  3. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Social change

    (values) • Conflicts and productive engagement:  LEED AP (Accredited Professional)  wooden houses cluster (X-Lam)  emerging coalitions vs establishment • Global ties:  GBC International network
  4. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Design and

    management costs Public Private Service (HR) 2005 150 - - 10 (pt) 2006 500 - - 12 2007 700 150 - 15 2008 600 150 50 20 2009 600 150 600 30 2010 300 150 1.500 35
  5. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Chiampo Valley

    Industrial district of green leather production
  6. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Guiding Narrative

    • From a “dump” to a “Mine” – The narrative of sustainable development (social claim for a safer environment – zero waste) has been catalysed into the design of a new technology framework: • bio-chemical reagents in the beamhouse • thermal g(l)assification of sludge (power source) • bio-tech reagents in sewage separation
  7. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Scaffolding Structures

    • LWG – Global certification authority (2011) • EPD – Local certification authority (2012) • UTIAC – SMEs consortium (design) (2013) • UNIC, UNPAC – Trade associations (2014) • SSIP Chamber of Commerce – R&D funding
  8. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Social change

    (values) • Conflicts:  Chemical experts vs Bio-Tech experts  Citizens and Mayors vs Industry Owners  Private vs Public Utility Managers • Mediators:  Chiampo Valley Foundation (FREE)
  9. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 Design and

    management costs Public Private Service (HR) 2012 - 25 - 1 2013 - 35 - 4 2014 400 70 - 15 2015 800 100 (?) - 20 2016 800 100 (?) (??) 20 2017 300 200 (?) 500 30
  10. ALC / INSITE meeting Bilbao, May 29-30 2014 • 300

    entrepreneurs (along with the value chain) + 10.000 technicians + 50.000 citizens • 1 Billion (Trentino) – 2.4 Billions (Chiampo Valley) • 5 -20 members of the task force and leaders • A4 and Dynamic Evaluation tools (mapping) • Narrative production tools (storyboard) Community (scale and tools)