• Green, Smart and Small – The narrative of green economy (social claim for a sustainable local development pattern) has been catalysed into the designing of a new technology framework: • Green Buildings • Smart Grids • Small (scale) plants for energy production
• From a “dump” to a “Mine” – The narrative of sustainable development (social claim for a safer environment – zero waste) has been catalysed into the design of a new technology framework: • bio-chemical reagents in the beamhouse • thermal g(l)assification of sludge (power source) • bio-tech reagents in sewage separation
(values) • Conflicts: Chemical experts vs Bio-Tech experts Citizens and Mayors vs Industry Owners Private vs Public Utility Managers • Mediators: Chiampo Valley Foundation (FREE)
entrepreneurs (along with the value chain) + 10.000 technicians + 50.000 citizens • 1 Billion (Trentino) – 2.4 Billions (Chiampo Valley) • 5 -20 members of the task force and leaders • A4 and Dynamic Evaluation tools (mapping) • Narrative production tools (storyboard) Community (scale and tools)