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Getting Started with Salt

Getting Started with Salt

DjangoCon US 2013

Peter Baumgartner

September 03, 2013

More Decks by Peter Baumgartner

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  1. “SaltStack delivers a dynamic infrastructure communication bus used for orchestration,

    remote execution, configuration management and much more.”
  2. Deploy your code Run one-off scripts Critical package updates System

    monitoring/alerting https://github.com/lincolnloop/salmon Remote Execution Examples
  3. Chef: knife, recipe, cookbook Puppet: terminus, metaparameters Ansible: playbook, inventory

    Salt might be the worst offender... Everything is Terrible
  4. # apt-get install salt-minion # echo "salt" >> /etc/hosts

    # salt-key -a minion.lincolnloop.com Accept the minion key on the master Point minion to the master Minion
  5. # salt 'myserver.lincolnloop.com' state.highstate # salt-call state.highstate ...or pull from

    the minion Push from the master Highstate ...or master-less # salt-call state.highstate --local
  6. [INFO ] Executing state pkg.installed for nginx [INFO ] Executing

    command "dpkg-query --showformat='${Status} ${Package} $ {Version}\n' -W" in directory '/' [INFO ] Executing command 'grep-available -F Provides -s Package,Provides -e "^.+$"' in directory '/' [INFO ] Executing command 'apt-get -q update' in directory '/' [INFO ] Executing command 'apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef install nginx' in directory '/' [INFO ] Executing command "dpkg-query --showformat='${Status} ${Package} $ {Version}\n' -W" in directory '/' [INFO ] Executing command 'grep-available -F Provides -s Package,Provides -e "^.+$"' in directory '/' [INFO ] Installed Packages: libgeoip1 changed from absent to 1.4.8+dfsg-2 nginx changed from absent to 1.1.19-1 libxml2 changed from absent to 2.7.8.dfsg-5.1ubuntu4 nginx-common changed from absent to 1.1.19-1 libfreetype6 changed from absent to 2.4.8-1ubuntu2 nginx-full changed from absent to 1.1.19-1 xml-core changed from absent to 0.13 geoip-database changed from absent to 20111220-1 libxslt1.1 changed from absent to 1.1.26-8ubuntu1 libjpeg-turbo8 changed from absent to 1.1.90+svn733-0ubuntu4 libgd2-noxpm changed from absent to 2.0.36~rc1~dfsg-6ubuntu2 sgml-base changed from absent to 1.26+nmu1ubuntu1 libjpeg8 changed from absent to 8c-2ubuntu7 ,,,
  7. [INFO ] Loading fresh modules for state activity local: ----------

    State: - pkg Name: nginx Function: installed Result: True Comment: The following packages were installed/updated: nginx. Changes: libgeoip1: { new : 1.4.8+dfsg-2 old : } nginx: { new : 1.1.19-1 old : } libxml2: { new : 2.7.8.dfsg-5.1ubuntu4 old : } nginx-common: { new : 1.1.19-1 old : } libfreetype6: { new : 2.4.8-1ubuntu2 old : } nginx-full: { new : 1.1.19-1 old : } ...
  8. pete: user.present: - shell: /bin/bash - home: /home/pete - groups:

    - sudo ssh_auth.present: - user: pete - source: salt://pete.pub - require: - user: pete Add an SSH Key
  9. python manage.py syncdb --noinput: cmd.run: - cwd: /usr/local/src/mysite - require:

    - git: git@github.com/me/mysite.git Run Arbitrary Commands
  10. Over 50 built-in pip, virtualenv mysql, postgres services, files, cron

    ...or build your own (in Python) Built-in States
  11. base: '*': - default '*.lincolnloop.com': - lincoln_loop 'os:Ubuntu': - match:

    grain - pkgs.ubuntu /srv/pillar/top.sls Advanced Pillar Top File
  12. /etc/redis.conf: file.managed: - template: jinja - source: salt://packages/redis_server/redis.conf.jinja - defaults:

    maxmemory: {{ pillar.get('redis_maxmemory', '64mb') }} Using Pillars in Files
  13. daemonize yes pidfile /var/run/redis.pid port 6379 bind maxmemory {{

    maxmemory }} ... /srv/salt/redis_server/redis.conf.jinja Using Pillars in Files