deliver intrinsic value, we are committed to quality with responsibility, enthusiasm and pride in our products, without fear of failure or confrontation. Playful 制約や条件があるからこそ、遊び心とこだわりを大切にし、自分達自身が楽しむことで顧客へポジティブな体験を提供する Provide a positive experience for customers by valuing playfulness and persistence and enjoying ourselves because of restrictions and conditions. Teamwork お互いが持つ専門性への敬意を忘れることなく、助け合い、高め合い、 1人で抱え込まず、チームの力でより大きな成功と個人の成長へと繋げる We respect each other's expertise, help each other, and work as a team to achieve greater success and personal growth, not as a one-person operation. Visionary 常に一歩先の未来を描き続けることで、顧客やプロダクトの北極星を提示し、チームが進むべき未来の推進力となる By always keeping one step ahead of the future, we present the North Star for our customers and products, and become the driving force for the future that the team should move forward into. RAKSUL Design Quality RAKSULのデザイナーが大切にしたい価値観 Values that RAKSUL's designers hold dear. 32