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Building Testable Mobile Applications with Depe...

Building Testable Mobile Applications with Dependency Injection

Jacob Tabak

May 20, 2015

More Decks by Jacob Tabak

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Dependency Injection is a pattern that separates the creation of

    dependencies from the objects that need them.
  2. public class MyCity implements City {
 private final WaterTower waterTower;

    private final CoalPowerPlant coalPowerPlant;
 public MyCity() {
 this.waterTower = new WaterTower();
 this.coalPowerPlant = new CoalPowerPlant();
 @Override public Water water() {
 return waterTower.water();
 @Override public Electricity electricity() {
 return coalPowerPlant.electricity();
 @Override public Education education() { return null; }
  3. public class MyCity implements City {
 private final WaterTower waterTower;

    private final CoalPowerPlant coalPowerPlant;
 private final ElementarySchool elementarySchool;
 public MyCity() {
 this.waterTower = new WaterTower();
 this.coalPowerPlant = new CoalPowerPlant();
 this.elementarySchool = new ElementarySchool();
 @Override public Water water() { return waterTower.water(); }
 @Override public Electricity electricity() {
 return coalPowerPlant.electricity();
 @Override public Education education() { return elementarySchool.education(); }
  4. public class MyCity implements City {
 private final WaterSource waterSource;

    private final PowerPlant powerPlant;
 private final SchoolSystem schoolSystem;
 public MyCity() {
 this.waterSource = new WaterTower();
 this.powerPlant = new SolarPowerPlant();
 this.schoolSystem = new ElementarySchool();
 @Override public Water water() {
 return waterSource.water();
 @Override public Electricity electricity() {
 return powerPlant.electricity();
 @Override public Education education() {
 return schoolSystem.education();
  5. Dependency Injection is a pattern that separates the creation of

    dependencies from the objects that need them.
  6. public class GenericCity implements City {
 private final WaterSource waterSource;

    private final PowerPlant powerPlant;
 private final SchoolSystem schoolSystem;
 public GenericCity(WaterSource waterSource, PowerPlant powerPlant, SchoolSystem schoolSystem) {
 this.waterSource = waterSource;
 this.powerPlant = powerPlant;
 this.schoolSystem = schoolSystem;
 @Override public Water water() {
 return waterSource.water();
 @Override public Electricity electricity() {
 return powerPlant.electricity();
 @Override public Education education() {
 return schoolSystem.education();
 } This isn’t new!
  7. Teacher firstGradeTeacher = new Teacher("John Smith");
 Teacher secondGradeTeacher = new

    Teacher("Jane Doe");
 Headmaster headmaster = new Headmaster("Dorothy Sanders");
 Faculty faculty = new Faculty(headmaster, Arrays.asList(firstGradeTeacher, secondGradeTeacher));
 Subject scienceSubject = new Subject("Science");
 Subject mathSubject = new Subject("Math");
 Subject englishSubject = new Subject("English");
 Curriculum curriculum = new Curriculum( Arrays.asList(scienceSubject, mathSubject, englishSubject));
 ElementarySchool elementarySchool = new ElementarySchool(faculty, curriculum);
  8. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
 <bean id="city"

 <constructor-arg ref="electricity"/>
 <constructor-arg ref="water"/>
 <constructor-arg ref="education"/>
 <bean id="electricity" class="CoalPowerPlant"/>
 <bean id="water" class="WaterTower"/>
 <bean id="education" class="ElementarySchool">
 <constructor-arg ref="faculty"/>
 <constructor-arg ref="curriculum"/>
 <bean id="faculty" class="ElementarySchoolFaculty"/>
 <bean id="curriculum" class="ElementarySchoolCurriculum"/>
  9. Pros • Initialization Ordering • Only define dependencies once Cons

    • Verbose XML • No compile-time validation • Poor IDE integration • No traceability • Reflection-based API Spring Framework
  10. public class GenericCity implements City {
 private final WaterSource waterSource;

    private final PowerPlant powerPlant;
 private final SchoolSystem schoolSystem;
 @Inject public GenericCity(
 WaterSource waterSource,
 PowerPlant powerPlant,
 SchoolSystem schoolSystem
 ) {
 this.waterSource = waterSource;
 this.powerPlant = powerPlant;
 this.schoolSystem = schoolSystem;
 @Override public Water water() {
 return waterSource.water();
 @Override public Electricity electricity() {
 return powerPlant.electricity();
 @Override public Education education() {
 return schoolSystem.education();
  11. public class SmallCityModule extends AbstractModule {
 @Provides WaterSource provideWaterSource() {

    return new WaterTower(); }
 @Provides PowerPlant providePowerPlant() { return new CoalPowerPlant(); }
 @Provides SchoolSystem provideSchoolSystem() { return new ElementarySchool(); }
 } public class LargeCityModule extends AbstractModule {
 @Provides WaterSource provideWaterSource() { return new PumpingStation(); }
 @Provides PowerPlant providePowerPlant() { return new NuclearPowerPlant(); }
 @Provides SchoolSystem provideSchoolSystem() { return new PublicSchoolSystem(); }
  12. –Friendly Guice Runtime Error No implementation for com.example.PowerPlant was bound

    while locating com.example.PowerPlant for parameter 2 at com.example.GenericCity.<init>(GenericCity.java.9) while locating com.example.GenericCity
  13. Pros • Don’t need to duplicate logic between XML and

    Java • In-line, annotation-based config • Automatically inject concrete types with no additional configuration Cons • No compile-time validation • Poor traceability • Slow reflection-based API Google Guice
  14. @Module(
 includes = { /* other modules */ },

    = { /* other module */ },
 complete = true,
 library = false,
 injects = { MainActivity.class }
 public class LargeCityModule extends AbstractModule {
 @Provides WaterSource provideWaterSource() { return new PumpingStation(); }
 @Provides PowerPlant providePowerPlant() { return new NuclearPowerPlant(); }
 @Provides SchoolSystem provideSchoolSystem() { return new PublicSchoolSystem(); }
  15. Pros • Partial compile-time graph validation • Improved traceability •

    Objects instantiated without reflection • Flexible model (overrides) Cons • Graph composition happens at runtime • Generated code can be hard to read • Does not work with Proguard Dagger 1
  16. @Component(modules = LargeCityModule.class)
 public interface LargeCityComponent {
 // Optional -

    Access dependencies directly
 WaterSource waterSource();
 PowerPlant powerPlant();
 SchoolSystem schoolSystem();
 // Contract for field injection
 void inject(MainActivity activity);
 } public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 LargeCityComponent component = DaggerLargeCityComponent.create();
  17. @Module(
 complete = false,
 library = true
 public class

    ApiModule {
 @Provides @Singleton Endpoint provideEndpoint() {
 return Endpoints.newFixedEndpoint("https://api.github.com");
 complete = false,
 library = true,
 overrides = true
 public class DebugApiModule {
 @Provides @Singleton Endpoint provideEndpoint(StringPreference apiEndpointPref) {
 return Endpoints.newFixedEndpoint(apiEndpointPref.get());
  18. Dagger 1 or Dagger 2? Dagger 1 More flexibility Simpler

    build integration Dagger 2 Better performance Compile-time graph validation Proguard-friendly
  19. public class City {
 private final WaterSource waterSource;
 private final

    PowerPlant powerPlant;
 @Inject public City(WaterSource waterSource, PowerPlant powerPlant) {
 this.waterSource = waterSource;
 this.powerPlant = powerPlant;
 } @Override public Water water() { return waterSource.water(); }
 @Override public Electricity electricity() { return powerPlant.electricity(); }
 @Override public Education education() { return schoolSystem.education(); }
 } Constructor Injection (for most classes)
  20. public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 @Inject OkHttpClient okHttpClient;

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 } Field Injection (for activities/fragments)
  21. public class MyCustomView extends FrameLayout {
 private final Picasso picasso;

 public MyCustomView(Context context) {
 picasso = Injector.obtain(context).getPicasso();
 } Method Injection
  22. @Provides @Singleton Picasso providePicasso(Application application) {
 return Picasso.with(application);

    @Provides DateTime provideCurrentTime() {
 return new DateTime();
 } Dependency Scope
  23. @Module
 class UserModule {
 @Provides @Named("username") String providerUsername(SharedPreferences preferences) {

    return preferences.getString("username", null);
 @Provides @Named("password") String providePassword(SharedPreferences preferences) {
 return preferences.getString("password", null);
 } class LoginActivity extends Activity {
 @Inject @Named("username") String username;
 @Inject @Named("password") String password;
 } Qualifiers
  24. public class ContentStatTests {
 @Mock SmsReader smsReader;
 @Mock MediaStoreReader mediaStoreReader;

    ContentStatClient statClient;
 public void initialize() {
 statClient = new ContentStatClient(mediaStoreReader, smsReader);
 public void testContentCount() {
 assertThat(statClient.getCount(), equalTo(9));
  25. public class ClockActivityTest {
 @Inject Clock clock;

    void setUp() {
 MyApplication app = (MyApplication) getApplication();
 TestComponent component = DaggerTestComponent.create();
 public void testClockAtNoon() {
 when(clock.now()).thenReturn(new LocalTime().withHourOfDay(12).withMinuteOfHour(0));
 class MockClockModule {
 @Provides Clock provideClock() {
 return mock(Clock.class);
 @Component(modules = MockClockModule.class)
 interface TestClockComponent extends ClockComponent {
 void inject(ClockActivityTest testClass);
  26. public class TraditionalActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle

    state) {
 } } Traditional Activity Layout public class U2020Activity extends Activity { @Inject AppContainer appContainer;
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle state) {
 super.onCreate(state); Injector.obtain(getApplication()).inject(this); ViewGroup container = appContainer.bind(this); getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.activity_main, container);
 } } u2020 Activity Layout