Whether you are designing the next feature of your mobile app, or just brewing your morning cup of joe, you can use the principal of a unidirectional data flow and reactive principles to guide your process. I will detail a case study of how and why we migrated our iOS app from MVC to MVVM to FRP architecture at Vida Health, the challenges we faced, and how we adapted.
This talk covers 3 main points:
1. What is traditional MVC architecture, and what the challenges one faces when working with it.
2. What is unidirectional data flow, and what problems does it solve.
3. A Vida Health case study: how we began changing our app's architecture, and learnings from it.
The objectives and take-aways from the talk are intended to be:
1. High-level understanding of architecture that promotes unidirectional data flow.
2. Benefits of incorporating Functional Reactive Programming.
3. Concrete tips on how to begin changing your app's architecture.
The talk will involve a walk through of code snippets that implement the same feature using different architecture patterns. The code snippets will illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of each pattern.
The case study will involve a discussion of when the right time and place is to introduce a new architecture, and when the wrong time and place is. I will elaborate on the challenges of tackling a new architecture, as well as what went well.
Lastly, there will be time for an open Q&A.