a parent child contract is really difficult? Are you worried that you will miss something important out? We’ve created these 5 easy tips for creating parent child contracts so you can make your contract as easily as possible without worrying. Get started now! 1) Make Sure you are in a Good Frame of Mind If you start making your contract when you are upset, angry or just outright frustrated with your child, these negative emotions will influence the contract. You want your contract to be neutral, long lasting and effective and in order to achieve those results you should make sure that you are in the best frame of mind when you start the contract. The contract shouldn’t be thought of as a way to punish your child, but as a way to establish clear-cut boundaries so your child knows what you expect of them and how to act accordingly. 2) Be Very Clear About Your Expectations A lot of parenting problems stem from parents being vague or simply inconsistent. This is not helpful for you or your child and in the end can lead to a number of problems. When you decide to create a parent child contract you need to ensure that you are being as clear as possible about any and all of your expectations. There is no room for vagueness and it is not fair to expect your child to be able to interrupt things correctly; you just need to write things down clearly. 3) Pick Your Battles There’s an important saying that goes hand in hand with parenting: “Pick your battles”. It’s likely there is a great number of things you don’t like about how your home is operating or how your child is acting, but it’s really important that you focus on the most crucial problems. If you are really pedantic and focus on all the small things that your child does that annoys you, they will likely feel overwhelmed, alienated and upset. Instead you should focus on the key things, explain why they need to change and focus on them and your child will be much more likely to comply. 4) Involve Your Child in the Contract Creation As parents we’re still learning, we’re not perfect and we all make mistakes. As much as there are probably things your child does to bother you, your child probably has a list of things that you do to annoy them. Ask them if there is anything that they think that you do is unfair – and be prepared for some pretty honest answers, especially if your child is a teen. Your teen might not present their ideas in the best or most polite way, but if their thoughts about you have merit, incorporate them into the contract. Let them discuss the way they feel about things you have decided about their side of the contract and be open to negotiation. They’re much more likely to take the contract seriously if they feel that they have been involved in the process.
contract is made it has to be standing all the time in every occasion. As soon as you let something slide, you are ripping away the foundation of the contract and impairing its authority. Your child needs to know that this contract is exactly that – a binding contract that dictates how things are going to operate in the home. Letting the occasional thing slide is basically going back on your word and shows your child that what you say and mean are two different things. It’s important to be really, really consistent otherwise your child will have no faith in your family child contract. Creating a contract for your family doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you use these 5 Easy Tips For Creating Parent Child Contracts. Have you made a parent child contract before, did you find it effective? For more details, please visit: www.JadeRobinson.us