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CSC305 Lecture 02

CSC305 Lecture 02

Individual Software Design and Development
Clean Coding

Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez

September 24, 2024

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  1. Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] www.javiergs.info o ffi ce: 14 -227

    CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Lecture 02. Clean Coding
  2. Clean Coding • Write e ff icient code but prioritize

    re a d a bility a nd m a int a in a bility. • Optimize perform a nce-critic a l sections only when necess a ry. 2
  3. Clean Coding Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Do not Repeat Yourselves

    (DRY) Keep It Simple (KIS) Error Handling Readability (Easy to read to others) Style and Comments Dependency Injection (DI)
  4. Consistent Formatting • Follow a consistent code style a nd

    form a tting guidelines. https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html • Use indent a tion, whitesp a ce, a nd comments e ff ectively to enh a nce re a d a bility. 6
  5. Meaningful Names • Use descriptive a nd un a mbiguous

    n a mes for v a ri a bles, functions, cl a sses, etc. • Avoid using misle a ding or cryptic n a mes. • Follow consistent n a ming conventions. 7
  6. Commenting and Documentation • Write me a ningful comments th

    a t expl a in why something is done, not wh a t is done. • Keep comments up to d a te with code ch a nges. • Document public APIs a nd complex logic thoroughly. • Single Line vs Multiple Line ( a nd J a v a Doc) comments 8
  7. DRY

  8. Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) • Avoid code duplic a tion

    by a bstr a cting common function a lity. • Use functions or cl a sses to enc a psul a te repe a ted jobs. 12
  9. KIS

  10. Keep It Simple (KIS) • Aim for simplicity in your

    design a nd implement a tion. • Avoid unnecess a ry complexity or over-engineering. 14
  11. Single Responsibility • E a ch cl a ss or

    function should h a ve one, a nd only one, job. • Keep functions focused on a single t a sk. • Bre a k down your code into sm a ller, reus a ble modules or functions. • Ensure e a ch module or function h a s a cle a r, well-de f ined purpose. • 18
  12. Some Ideas. It is NOT a Complete List 20 MOVE

  13. Tic Tac Toe 23 Driver Player Game public class Driver

    { public static void main(String[] arg) { Player player = new Player(); Game game = new Game(); game.ready(); do { player.move(); game.move(); } while (!game.isOver()); game.bye(); } }
  14. Dependency Injection • An object’s dependencies (other objects it relies

    on) a re provided extern a lly r a ther th a n cre a ted intern a lly by the object itself. • Constructor injection: Dependencies a re p a ssed vi a the cl a ss constructor. • Setter injection: Dependencies a re provided through setter methods. • M a ke components more a ccessible to sw a p or extend without modifying the dependent cl a ss. 25
  15. Dependency Injection 28 public class Driver { public static void

    main(String[] arg) { View view = new View (); Player player = new Player(view); Game game = new Game(view); game.ready(); do { player.move(); game.move(); } while (!game.isOver()); game.bye(); } }
  16. Dependency Injection 29 public class Driver { public static void

    main(String[] arg) { View view = new View (); Player player = new Player(view); Game game = new Game(view); game.ready(); do { player.move(); game.move(); } while (!game.isOver()); game.bye(); } } public class View { public void print(String s) { System.out.println(s); } } public class Game { View myView; public Game(View v) { myView = v; } public void ready() { myView.print (“Welcome!”); } // more code … }
  17. Apply these Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Do not Repeat Yourselves

    (DRY) Keep It Simple (KIS) Error Handling Readability (Easy to read to others) Style and Comments Dependency Injection (DI)
  18. CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D.

    [email protected] Winter 2025 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.