Computing Lecture 09: Facial Emotion Recognition Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] Building 14 -227 Office Hours: By appointment
16 Breaking down facial expressions into individual muscle movements, called "action units" that can be combined to create a wide range of facial expressions. Facial Action Coding System, 46 actions (plus head movements). Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
19 § AU 1 (Inner Brow Raiser) involves the raising of the inner portion of the eyebrows, closest to the nose. This movement produces a vertical furrow between the eyebrows and is associated with emotions such as sadness, concern, and concentration. § AU 2 (Outer Brow Raiser) involves the raising of the outer portion of the eyebrows, further away from the nose. This movement produces a diagonal furrow along the forehead and is associated with emotions such as surprise, fear, and anger. § AU 3 (Brow Lowerer) involves the lowering of the eyebrows in the center of the forehead. This movement produces a vertical furrow between the eyebrows and is associated with emotions such as worry, frustration, and anger.
32 Emotion Recognition Ali Raza Shahid, Sheheryar Khan, Hong Yan. Contour and region harmonic features for sub-local facial expression recognition. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. Volume 73. 2020.
43 § The Haar Cascade classifiers are pre-trained classifiers in OpenCV that are used for object detection. § OpenCV provides pre-trained Haar Cascade classifiers for a variety of objects, including faces, eyes, noses, and full bodies. § The name "Haar Cascade" comes from the Haar Wavelets used to encode image features that are used by the classifier. § Haar Wavelets are a type of mathematical function Definition
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