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SER594 Lecture 08

SER594 Lecture 08

Human Computer Interaction

Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez

April 24, 2019

More Decks by Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Step 1 • You have software that generate random values

    for a number of inputs X. • For human affect and cognitive states
  2. Step 2 • You have a client that can read,

    synchronize and fuse multiple sources of data • Task 1. Put the data in a vector space representation (such as PAD) • Task 2. Visualize the data on screen
  3. Step 3 • Can we define 3 categories? • Can

    we (all together) create data and label them for these categories?
  4. BTW • The project requires a client and multiple servers,

    They have GUI and interaction … we need them to be user friendly
  5. Topics 1. Concepts. Human (A + C), Computer (Data, AI),

    Interaction (Input, Output) 2. Human factors 3. Interaction need Interfaces (Q1)(P1) 4. UI Design: structure, color, communication 5. User Experience: good and bad practices
  6. Visualization 15 BCI and Gaze Points boredom This figure shows

    the boredom gaze points (above a threshold of 0.5) of a user while reading a material with seductive details (i.e. cartoons). Notice that the text in the middle part of the second column of that page was boring.
  7. Visualization 16 BCI and Gaze Points engagement This figure shows

    the engagement fixation points of expert player playing in expert-mode. The size of the circle represents the duration of the fixation in that point, while the level of shading represents the intensity of the emotion.
  8. SER594 – Human Computer Interaction Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez javiergs@asu.edu Spring 2019

    Disclaimer. These slides can only be used as study material for the SER594 course at ASU. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.