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Puppet for dummies - ZendCon 2011

Puppet for dummies - ZendCon 2011

Joshua Thijssen

October 25, 2011

More Decks by Joshua Thijssen

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  1. Puppet for Dummies ZendCon - October 2011 Santa Clara -

    United States http://joind.in/3781 vrijdag 27 april 12
  2. Who am I? Joshua Thijssen Senior Software Engineer @ Enrise

    (Netherlands) Development in PHP, Python, Perl, C, Java, and System & DB admin. Blog: http://adayinthelifeof.nl Email: joshua@enrise.com Twitter: @jaytaph http://www.flickr.com/photos/akrabat/5422369749/in/photostream/ vrijdag 27 april 12
  3. The question of the day What is puppet and why

    should I care? vrijdag 27 april 12
  4. Why should I care? “People are finally figuring out puppet

    and how it gets you to the pub by 4pm. Note that I’ve been at this pub since 2pm.” - Jorge Castro vrijdag 27 april 12
  5. What is puppet? Puppet is a (not necessarily the) solution

    for the following problem: How do we setup, manage, synchronize, and upgrade our internal and external infrastructure? vrijdag 27 april 12
  6. But isn’t that a sysadmin problem? Sysadmin! Y U no

    fix problem! vrijdag 27 april 12
  7. But isn’t that a sysadmin problem? Sysadmin! Y U no

    fix problem! NO vrijdag 27 april 12
  8. What is puppet? LAMPGMVNMCSTRAH-stack Linux Apache MySQL PHP Gearman MongoDB

    CouchDB Solr Tika Redis ActiveMQ Hadoop Varnish Ngnix Memcache vrijdag 27 april 12
  9. How do we manage our infrastructure? ‣ Solution 1: We

    don’t, ‣ Solution 2: We outsource, vrijdag 27 april 12
  10. How do we manage our infrastructure? ‣ Solution 1: We

    don’t, ‣ Solution 2: We outsource, ‣ Solution 3: We automate the process. vrijdag 27 april 12
  11. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not

    funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies. ‣ Solution 1: we don’t vrijdag 27 april 12
  12. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not

    funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies. ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy with development to do sysadmin. ‣ Solution 1: we don’t vrijdag 27 april 12
  13. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not

    funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies. ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy with development to do sysadmin. ‣ We only act on escalation ‣ Solution 1: we don’t vrijdag 27 april 12
  14. How do we manage our infrastructure? (1) ‣ It’s not

    funny: you find it more often than not. Especially inside small development companies. ‣ Internal sysadmin, but he’s too busy with development to do sysadmin. ‣ We only act on escalation ‣ reactive, not proactive ‣ Solution 1: we don’t vrijdag 27 april 12
  15. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s.

    ‣ Solution 2: we outsource vrijdag 27 april 12
  16. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s.

    ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like your development systems and infrastructure? ‣ Solution 2: we outsource vrijdag 27 april 12
  17. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s.

    ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like your development systems and infrastructure? ‣ Fight between stability and agility. ‣ Solution 2: we outsource vrijdag 27 april 12
  18. How do we manage our infrastructure? (2) ‣ Expensive $LA’s.

    ‣ What about INTERNAL servers like your development systems and infrastructure? ‣ Fight between stability and agility. ‣ Does your hosting company decide on whether you can use PHP5.3??? ‣ Solution 2: we outsource vrijdag 27 april 12
  19. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ Solution 3:

    we do it ourselves and automate vrijdag 27 april 12
  20. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are

    in charge. ‣ Solution 3: we do it ourselves and automate vrijdag 27 april 12
  21. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are

    in charge. ‣ You can do what you like ‣ Solution 3: we do it ourselves and automate vrijdag 27 april 12
  22. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are

    in charge. ‣ You can do what you like ‣ Use: cfEngine, chef, puppet. ‣ Solution 3: we do it ourselves and automate vrijdag 27 april 12
  23. How do we manage our infrastructure? (3) ‣ We are

    in charge. ‣ You can do what you like ‣ Use: cfEngine, chef, puppet. ‣ When done right, maintenance should not be difficult. ‣ Solution 3: we do it ourselves and automate vrijdag 27 april 12
  24. What is puppet? ‣ Open source configuration management tool. ‣

    Written in Ruby ‣ Open source: https://github.com/puppetlabs ‣ Commercial version available (puppet enterprise) vrijdag 27 april 12
  25. What is puppet? ‣ Don’t tell HOW to do stuff.

    ‣ Tell WHAT to do. ¹ ¹ It’s not actually true, but good enough for now... vrijdag 27 april 12
  26. What is puppet? ‣ Don’t tell HOW to do stuff.

    ‣ Tell WHAT to do. ¹ ¹ It’s not actually true, but good enough for now... “yum install httpd” “apt-get install apache2” “install and run the apache webserver” vrijdag 27 april 12
  27. How does it work Puppet master Puppet client Check credentials

    Send facts Returns “catalog” vrijdag 27 april 12
  28. How does it work Puppet master Puppet client Check credentials

    Send facts Returns “catalog” Report results vrijdag 27 april 12
  29. Puppet manifests ‣ Manifests are puppet definitions ‣ <filename>.pp ‣

    Puppet DSL ‣ De-cla-ra-tive language ‣ Version your manifests! (git/svn) vrijdag 27 april 12
  30. Puppet manifests package { “strace” : ensure => present, }

    file { “/home/jaytaph/secret-ingredient.txt” : ensure => present, mode => 0600, user => ‘jaytaph’, group => ‘noxlogic’, source => “puppet:///secret.txt”, } vrijdag 27 april 12
  31. Puppet manifests ‣ Spot the problem.... package { “httpd” :

    ensure => present, } service { “httpd”: running => true, enable => true, require => Package[“httpd”], } vrijdag 27 april 12
  32. Puppet manifests ‣ Different distributions, different names Centos / Redhat

    service: httpd package: httpd config: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf vhosts: /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf Debian / Ubuntu service: apache2 package: apache2 config: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf vhosts: /etc/apache2/sites-available vrijdag 27 april 12
  33. Puppet manifests ‣ $operatingsystem is a FACT package { “webserver”:

    case $operatingsystem { centos, redhat { $apache = “httpd” } debian, ubuntu { $apache = “apache2” } default : { fail(‘I don’t know this OS/distro’) } } name => $apache, ensure => installed, } vrijdag 27 april 12
  34. Facter [root@puppetnode1 ~]# facter --puppet architecture => x86_64 fqdn =>

    puppetnode1.noxlogic.local interfaces => eth1,eth2,lo ipaddress_eth1 => ipaddress_eth2 => kernel => Linux kernelmajversion => 2.6 operatingsystem => CentOS operatingsystemrelease => 6.0 processor0 => Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz puppetversion => 2.6.9 ‣ A simple list with info (also useable in your own tools) vrijdag 27 april 12
  35. Puppet manifests node default { $def_packages = [ “mc”, “strace”,

    “sysstat” ] package { $def_packages : ensure => latest, } } /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp: ‣ “Main” manifest vrijdag 27 april 12
  36. Puppet manifests ‣ Defining nodes - regular expressions node /^web\d+\.example\.local$/

    { package { “httpd” : ensure => latest, } } node /^db\d+\.example\.local$/ { package { “mysql-server” : ensure => installed, } } vrijdag 27 april 12
  37. Puppet manifests node basenode { user { “jaytaph” : ensure

    => present, gid => 1000, uid => 1000, home => “/home/jaytaph”, shell => “/bin/sh”, password => “supersecrethashedpassword”, managehome => true, } } node /^.+\.example\.local/ inherits basenode { ... } ‣ Node inheritance vrijdag 27 april 12
  38. Puppet manifests class webserver { service { “apache”: ensure =>

    running, require => Package[“apache”], } package { “apache” : ensure => installed, } } ‣ Group together into a class vrijdag 27 april 12
  39. Puppet manifests class webserver { service { “apache”: ensure =>

    running, require => Package[“apache”], } package { “apache” : ensure => installed, } } file { “vhost_${webserver_name}” : path => “/etc/httpd/conf/10-vhost.conf”, content => template(“vhost.template.erb”), notify => Service[“httpd”], } ‣ Group together into a class vrijdag 27 april 12
  40. Puppet manifests ‣ ERB Templates can use custom variables and

    facts <virtualHost <%= ipaddress %>:80> ServerName <%= webserver_name %> ServerAlias <%= webserver_alias %> DocumentRoot <%= webserver_docroot %> </virtualHost> vhost.template.erb vrijdag 27 april 12
  41. Puppet manifests node “web01.example.local” inherits base { $webserver_name = “web01.example.local”

    $webserver_alias = “www.example.local” $webserver_docroot = “/var/www/web01” import webserver } node “web02.example.local” inherits base { $webserver_name = “web02.example.local” $webserver_alias = “crm.example.local” $webserver_docroot = “/var/www/web02” import webserver } vrijdag 27 april 12
  42. Puppet modules ‣ A puppet module is a collection of

    resources, classes, templates. ‣ Used for easy distribution and code-reuse. ‣ Self-contained, run out-of-the-box vrijdag 27 april 12
  43. Puppet modules ‣ puppetforge / github ‣ Create your own

    (and share!). ‣ Use the ones from puppet enterprise edition. ‣ Use the standard layout / best practices vrijdag 27 april 12
  44. Puppet modules class ntp::install { package{"ntpd": ensure => latest }

    } class ntp::config { File{ require => Class["ntp::install"], notify => Class["ntp::service"], owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 644 } file{"/etc/ntp.conf": source => "puppet:///ntp/ntp.conf"; "/etc/ntp/step-tickers": source => "puppet:///ntp/step-tickers"; } } class ntp::service { service{"ntp": ensure => running, enable => true, require => Class["ntp::config"], } } class ntp { include ntp::install, ntp::config, ntp::service } vrijdag 27 april 12
  45. Test your modules ‣ (Unit)test your modules ‣ Test them

    with: puppet apply --noop ‣ More advanced testing: cucumber / cucumber-puppet (BDD) vrijdag 27 april 12
  46. What can puppet manage ‣ http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html ‣ Almost everything. ‣

    standard 48 different resource types ‣ Ranging from “file” to “cron” to “ssh_key” to “user” to “selinux”. ‣ Can control your Cisco routers and windows machines too (sortakinda) vrijdag 27 april 12
  47. Confusing puppet things ‣ Puppet went from v0.25 to v2.6.

    ‣ REST interface since 2.6. XMLRPC before that. ‣ One binary to rule them all (puppet). ‣ Puppet v2.7 switched from GPLv2 to apache2.0 license. vrijdag 27 april 12
  48. Confusing puppet things ‣ --test does not mean dry-run! (--noop

    does). ‣ It’s not object oriented. (puppet class != php class) ‣ It’s a declarative language. vrijdag 27 april 12
  49. MCollective ‣ Puppet agent “calls” the master every 30 minutes.

    ‣ But what about realtime command & control? ‣ “Puppet kick”... (meh) ‣ MCollective (Marionette Collective) vrijdag 27 april 12
  50. MCollective ‣ How do we handle large number of nodes?

    ‣ Which systems running a database and have 16GB or less? ‣ Which systems are using <50% of available memory? ‣ Restart all apache services in timezone GMT+5. vrijdag 27 april 12
  51. MCollective ACTIVEMQ Client MCollective Server Node Middleware Client MCollective Server

    MCollective Server ‣ Middleware takes care of distribution, ‣ queued, broadcast etc.. Collective vrijdag 27 april 12
  52. MCollective ‣ Filter out nodes based on facts $ mc-facts

    operatingsystem Report for fact: operatingsystem CentOS found 3 times Debian found 14 times Solaris found 4 times $ mc-facts -W operatingsystem=Centos operatingsystemrelease Report for fact: operatingsystemrelease 6.0 found 1 times 5.6 found 2 times vrijdag 27 april 12
  53. MCollective - cool stuff ‣ Display all running processes ‣

    Run or deploy software ‣ Restart services ‣ Start puppet agent ‣ Upgrade your systems vrijdag 27 april 12
  54. Recap (1) ‣ Configuration management tool. ‣ Focusses on “what”

    instead of “how”. ‣ Scales from 1 to 100K+ systems. ‣ Uses descriptive manifests. vrijdag 27 april 12
  55. Recap (2) ‣ Useful for sysadmins and developers. ‣ Keeps

    your infrastructure in sync. ‣ Keeps your infrastructure versioned. ‣ MCollective controls your hosts based on facts, not names. vrijdag 27 april 12
  56. to remove this comic sans font, please rate my talk

    on: http://joind.in/3781 vrijdag 27 april 12