THE PURPOSE OF TYPE IS TO COMMUNICATE. ‣ Communicate an actual message. ‣ Communicate that message with a specific emotion or feeling ‣ Type is also a design element, or fashion statement.
‣ FONT SUBSTITUTION! ‣ hosted, licensed fonts that we call in our stylesheets ‣ @font-face CSS declaration ‣ font services like TypeKit, FontDeck, Google Fonts etc real fonts, web standards, great selection licensing, rendering issues, security
‣ BROWSER SUPPORT FOR FONT SUBSTITUTION ‣ Firefox 3.5+ ‣ Safari 3.1+ ‣ Opera 10+ ‣ Chrome 4+ ‣ Internet Explorer.......... 4?!? Since 1997?!? ‣ using their proprietary EOT format, of course
‣ WEB FONT SERVICES ‣ They do the heavy lifting ‣ Reliable & functional ‣ Most are paid/freemium (save Google) ‣ You just choose your fonts & paste some code ‣ “Renting” a font vs. purchasing a font
TOOLS DO NOT A CRAFTSMAN MAKE. ‣ Owning a camera doesn’t make you a photographer ‣ Web fonts won’t automagically make your designs beautiful... but you can, with their help. ‣ Basic typography, CSS tips, scripts & more.
BECOME A STUDENT OF TYPOGRAPHY ‣ Chicks/dudes dig it. ‣ Learn about concepts like rhythm, leading, kerning etc. ‣ If you comprehend principles, you can apply them ‣ read
BASIC TIPS: USE THE FORCE CSS ‣ Pay attention to line-height. Try 150% for body ‣ Use the letter-spacing property responsibly This is bad. This is bad. This is good.
‣ ABUSING YOUR NEWFOUND POWER ‣ respect the foundries ‣ use only web-licensed fonts ‣ so much choice; no reason to use unlicensed fonts ‣ soon all foundries will be on board with web fonts
‣ BROWSER RENDERING ‣ Always test in all browsers ‣ Windows ClearType (XP) Rendering is jagged/thin ‣ Windows DirectWrite (Vista, 7) is slightly better ‣ Mac Quartz 2D looks great; does add weight