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21st Century Software Delivery

21st Century Software Delivery

For many years software engineering meant delivering software the way we constructed buildings. This turns out to be a wildly inefficient way to create innovative products and services based on software. In this talk I’ll discuss what makes software different from buildings, and how we can take advantage of its unique properties to satisfy our customers through continuously delivery of valuable software. I’ll also talk about how you can adopt these practices in the safety of your own office, and explore the art of the possible and the patterns and practices used by high performing companies.

Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76x-RB8f_2U

Jez Humble

May 03, 2016

More Decks by Jez Humble

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  1. @jezhumble the project model is unsuitable for innovation we need

    to address the whole value stream the problems are process and culture takeaways
  2. agile principles our highest priority is to satisfy the customer

    through early and continuous delivery of valuable software
  3. shareholder value the directors of a public corporation have a

    fiduciary duty to maximize profits Jensen and Meckling, Theory of the Firm
  4. shareholder value Shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the

    world … [it is] a result, not a strategy … Your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products. Jack Welch | http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/294ff1f2-0f27-11de-ba10-0000779fd2ac.html
  5. SpaceX “the company was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk

    to revolutionize space transportation and ultimately make it possible for people to live on other planets.” @jezhumble
  6. His parents, he says, never really answered any of the

    questions they had. Go figure it out for yourself, they would say. “I got really into the scientific method of developing a hypothesis and testing it and getting a result and going back to do it again.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/bruceupbin/2012/06/18/wait-did-this-15-year-old-from-maryland-just-change-cancer-treatment/ Jack Andraka
  7. @jezhumble Shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world

    … [it is] a result, not a strategy … Your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products. Jack Welch | http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/294ff1f2-0f27-11de-ba10-0000779fd2ac.html Bernard Gagnon
  8. apple macintosh “Instead of arguing about new software ideas, we

    actually tried them out by writing quick prototypes, keeping the ideas that worked best and discarding the others. We always had something running that represented our best thinking at the time.” “The Macintosh Spirit” | http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=The_Macintosh_Spirit.txt
  9. hypothesis-driven delivery We believe that [building this feature] [for these

    people] will achieve [this outcome]. We will know we are successful when we see [this signal from the market]. Jeff Gothelf “Better product definition with Lean UX and Design” http://bit.ly/TylT6A
  10. “Evaluating well-designed and executed experiments that were designed to improve

    a key metric, only about 1/3 were successful at improving the key metric!” do less “Online Experimentation at Microsoft”, Kohavi et al http://stanford.io/130uW6X
  11. IT as a competitive advantage “Firms with high-performing IT organizations

    were twice as likely to exceed their profitability, market share and productivity goals.” http://bit.ly/2014-devops-report
  12. time to restore service lead time for changes release frequency

    change fail rate it performance http://bit.ly/2014-devops-report
  13. it performance “The Role of Continuous Delivery in IT and

    Organizational Performance.” Dr Nicole Forsgren and Jez Humble http://ssrn.com/abstract=2681909
  14. what is culture? “A pattern of shared tacit assumptions that

    was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.” — Edgar Schein, The Corporate Culture Survival Guide
  15. what is culture? “Our true culture is made primarily of

    the things no one will say... Culture is about power dynamics, unspoken priorities and beliefs, mythologies, conflicts, enforcement of social norms, creation of in/out groups and distribution of wealth and control inside companies.” — Shanley Kane | @shanley | Your Startup Is Broken: Inside the Toxic Heart of Tech Culture
  16. high trust culture Westrum, “A Typology of Organizational Cultures” |

    http://bmj.co/1BRGh5q how organizations process information
  17. “I think building this culture is the key to innovation.

    Creativity must flow from everywhere. Whether you are a summer intern or the CTO, any good idea must be able to seek an objective test, preferably a test that exposes the idea to real customers. Everyone must be able to experiment, learn, and iterate.” innovation culture http://glinden.blogspot.com/2006/04/early-amazon-shopping-cart.html
  18. “Make sure to be passionate about whatever it is you

    get into, because otherwise you won’t put the right amount of work into it.” Jack Andraka http://www.forbes.com/sites/bruceupbin/2012/06/18/wait-did-this-15-year-old-from-maryland-just-change-cancer-treatment/
  19. what is culture? “Our true culture is made primarily of

    the things no one will say... Culture is about power dynamics, unspoken priorities and beliefs, mythologies, conflicts, enforcement of social norms, creation of in/out groups and distribution of wealth and control inside companies.” — Shanley Kane | @shanley | Your Startup Is Broken: Inside the Toxic Heart of Tech Culture
  20. start measuring your own performance and setting goals stop talking

    about individual productivity and 10x developers eliminate hidden bias invest in your people there is no talent shortage http://bit.ly/no-talent-shortage
  21. thank you! © 2016-7 DevOps Research and Assessment LLC https://devops-research.com/

    To receive the following: • 30% off my new video course: creating high performance organizations • 50% off my CD video training, interviews with Eric Ries, and more • A copy of this presentation • A 100 page excerpt from Lean Enterprise • An excerpt from The DevOps Handbook • A 20m preview of my Continuous Delivery video workshop Just pick up your phone and send an email To: jezhumble@sendyourslides.com Subject: devops