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John Manoochehri
March 10, 2013


John Manoochehri

March 10, 2013


  1. NOW

  2. Abbreviations Planet, Product(s) (P) Sustainability (S) Sustainability Thresholds (ST) ST

    Uncertainty (STU) Humankind (H) Impact (I) Resource Consumption (R) Must be reduced (⇓) Must be maximised (⇑) Transformed directly, tends to (→) Transformed indirecty into (㱺) Is required for (㱺) It is assumed that X (“X”) This is interesting and weird ( ) Implies, leads to, means (:) Economic Consumption (EC) Use Consumption (UC) Utility (Welfare) (U) Profit/Expenditure (Y) Subjective Information Limits (SIL) Functionality (F) Functional Surface (FS) Resource Efficiency (RE) Functional Efficiency (FE) Use Efficiency (UE) Welfare Efficiency (WE)
  3. Information Theory Available input (velocity; price; lexicon) Available algorithms (calculus;

    diligence; transformations) Available applications (space-travel; investment; language)
  4. Information Stack Arts Humanities Social Sciences Evolution Biology Chemistry MMM

    Physics Knots (etc) Topology Analytic Geometry Numbers Value No Value Economic Optimisation
  5. Resource Constraint Mandate ⇓R P1 (limited energy input (solar, tidal);

    static fossil resource stock) P2 (static abiotic resource stock) P3 (vulnerable life-support systems) P4 (limited pollution processing capacities) (P5 (vulnerable species and natural systems)) I = changes to P1-5 which risk breaching ST ⇓I (Impact Constraint Mandate) STU (Sustainabilty Threshold Uncertainty) I ≅ R (Impact-Resource Consumption Equivalence) ⇓R (Resource Constraint Mandate)
  6. Sustainability Thresholds Uncertainty STU Baseline Definition? Anthropic Trans-anthropic Complex Dynamics?

    Synergistic Effects Hysteretic Effects Unknown Threshold Dynamics (Where, What; Emergent Properties) Technology? Positive Dynamics (Better conversions, Better management) Negative Dynamics (More change, Worse Management)
  7. Production Mandate R → P R ≢ U “P →

    U” (Product-Utility Formal Equivalence) R ≢ P (Resources-Product Information Imparity) R → P (Production Mandate)
  8. Sustainability Definition ⇓R/⇑S (within ST) ⇓R “⇓R is sustainabilty” ⇑U

    R 㱺 U ⇓R → 0 ≠ ⇑U (Zero R means Zero U) ⇓R/⇑U (within ST) = S (Sustainability Definition : Optimisation)
  9. Environmental Optimisation RA → ⇑U ⇓R {RA, RB, RC, RD}

    in order of increasing R : Environmental Optimisation {RA, RB, RC, RD} : RA → ⇑U
  10. Environmental Allocation Problem RA? → ⇑U ⇓R {RA, RB, RC,

    RD} in order of increasing R : S ranking (assuming U controlled) {RA, RB, RC, RD} : RA → ⇑U ≡ {RA/UX, RB/UX, RC/UX, RD/UX} : RA/UX → ⇑U {RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4,} with equivalent R : no information texture {RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4,} : RA? → ⇑U (Environmental Allocation Problem) Allocation Problem : “Most efficient allocation to welfare uses of resources?” Allocation Solution : “The Efficient Market”
  11. Economic Optimisation ⇓R/P.P/⇑Y = ⇓R/⇑Y = ⇓R/⇑U “R → P”

    (Production Mandate) ⇓R/P (Production Function) “P → U” (Production-Utility Formal Equivalence) “Y ≡ U” (Revealed Preferences; SIL) P/⇑Y (Price Mechanism : “Consumption Function”) ⇓R/P.P/⇑Y = ⇓R/⇑Y = ⇓R/⇑U (Economic Optimisation) “Production Function.Price Mechanism = Efficient Market” ⇓I/⇑Y (Euro Commission Definition of “Resource Efficiency”)
  12. Systemic Welfare Problem Prefs ≠ Prios “P → U” (Production-Utility

    Formal Equivalence) “Y ≡ U” (Revealed Preferences) P/⇑Y (Price Mechanism) “Expenditures : Revealed Preferences ≡ Welfare” “Revealed Preferences : Autonomous Preference Expression ≡ Welfare” Expenditure : Revealed {Preferences, Priorities} Revealed Priorities : Autonomous Priority Expression ≢ Welfare Y ≢ U (SWP (Expenditure : Revealed {Preferences, Priorities})) Preferences ≠ Priorities Price Mechanism ≠ Consumption Function
  13. Preference-Priority Distinction Welfare Increase vs Protection Priorities ≠ Second-order Preferences

    Ratio of preferences to priorities = ? (SIL) Ambient U ⇓U ⇑U Preference ⇑ Priority ⇑
  14. REVIEW R 㱺 U (Human-Resources Interface) ⇑U (Utility Maximisation Mandate)

    ⇓R (Resource Constraint Mandate) ⇓R/⇑U (within ST) (Sustainability Definition) R → P (Production Mandate) ⇓R/P (Production Function) Y ≢ U (Systemic Welfare Problem; SIL} “P → U” (Product-Utility Formal Equivalence)
  15. Optimisations Information Review ⇓R (Environmental Performance Ranking) R/P (Production Function)

    P/Y (Consumption Function) ⇓R/P.P/⇑Y = ⇓R/⇑Y = ⇓R/⇑U (Economic Optimisation)
  16. Production-Utility Info Imparity “P ≡ U” (Product-Utility Formal Equivalence) R

    ≢ P (Resources-Production Information Imparity) R → P (Production Mandate) P ≢ U (Product-Utility Information Imparity) Production ≢ Welfare
  17. RTA Parameters R/P . P/FS . FS/UC . UC/U =

    R/U (Resource Transformation Analysis; SIL) R/P (Resource Efficiency) P/FS (Functional Efficiency) FS/UC (Use Efficiency) UC/U (Welfare Efficiency)
  18. Information Stack Arts Humanities Social Sciences Evolution Biology Chemistry MMM

    Physics Knots (etc) Topology Analytic Geometry Numbers Value No Value RTA Physical Optimisation Systemic Optimisation Social Optimisation Functional Optimisation
  19. Stahel Definition 1997 Functional economy is an economy that optimises

    the use (or function) of goods and services and thus the management of existing wealth (goods, knowledge, and nature).
  20. Mont Definition 2004 A product-service system is a system of

    products, services, networks of actors and supporting infrastructure that continuously strives to be competitive, satisfy customer needs and have a lower environmental impact than traditional business models.
  21. Manzini and Vezzoli Definition 2006 The result of an innovation

    strategy, shifting the business focus from designing and selling physical products only, to selling a system of products and services which are jointly capable of fulfilling specific client demands
  22. PSS Projects and Products Design of Eco-Efficient Services (MIT) 2001

    SusProNet 2004 MePSS 2005 SCORE 2006-8 Polimi Torino Masters 2008-
  23. PSS Priorities and Concepts Business Strategies (MIT, MEPSSS, Wong) Social

    Acceptance (Mont, IIIEE) Design Methodology (Manzini, Polimi)
  24. PSS Problems Simple Explanation: What’s new? What’s being solved? Simple

    Optimisation Parameter(s): Efficiency of what? Welfare? Measurement of Actual and Potential Sustainability Benefity Differentation from Classical Services Clarity of Experiential Trade-Offs Policy Tools Design Methods Innovation Framework Policy Framework
  25. Relative Dematerialisation R/GDP Service-Economy Transition is not PSS! Growth Economy

    leaves materialisation! Specific service LCA (e.g. washing services) Functional unit limited! No indication of actual efficiency!