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Jennifer Reif

Jennifer Reif

Learn about what a graph database is, how the property graph model is constructed, how to write statements in the Cypher query language, and what Neo4j is. Session also includes information on the Paradise Papers data set and provides queries and steps to accessing and exploring the data for yourself to discover your own interesting connections!

Jennifer Reif

May 01, 2018

More Decks by Jennifer Reif

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  1. Who Am I? • Developer Relations Engineer for Neo4j •

    Continuous learner • Conference speaker • Hobbies: cat, coffee, traveling
  2. Database - specifically graph • Database: a structured set of

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  7. Car DRIVES name: “Dan” born: May 29, 1970 twitter: “@dan”

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  8. Neo4j Fast Reliable No size limit Binary & HTTP protocol

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 ops/s per core Clustering scale & HA Official Drivers Neo4j is a database
  9. Neo4j Native GraphDB Cypher Query Language Developer Workbench Extensible Procedures

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  10. Cypher: Powerful and Expressive CREATE (:Person { name:“Dan”}) -[:LOVES]-> (:Person

  11. Almost 200 journalists Based in 65 countries “Our aim is

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  12. Common Use Case • Real time recommendations • Fraud Detection

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  13. SELECT l.name, c.jurisdiction FROM legislators l LEFT JOIN committee c

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  14. Relational Versus Graph Models Relational Model Graph Model KNOWS KNOWS

  15. ICIJ’s Extract Tool • Content extraction from documents • Apache

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  16. Paradise Papers Leak • 1.4TB (13.4 million documents) • Appleby

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