section head</div> <div class="body">This is body text and it goes on for miles and miles. I like cheese.</div> <div class="list">This is going to be a list of items:<br /> - Item 1<br /> - Item 2<br /> - Item 3<br /> </div> NO HIERARCHY Not semantic, everything is the same.
<p>This is body text and it goes on for miles and miles. I like cheese.</p> <p>This is going to be a list of items:</p> <ul> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ul> SEMANTIC HTML Tags used for meaning.
{ // gradientBar will set the background to a pleasing blend of these, to support IE<=9 @include gradientBar($startColor, $endColor); @include reset-filter(); // in these cases the gradient won't cover the background, so we override &:hover, &:active, &.active { background-color: $endColor; } &.disabled, &[disabled] { &:hover { @include gradientBar($startColor, $endColor); @include reset-filter(); } } // IE 7 + 8 can't handle box-shadow to show active, so we darken a bit ourselves &:active, &.active { background-color: darken($endColor, 10%) #{"\9"}; @include gradientBar($endColor, $startColor); } }
@person) end def person_presenter(person = @person, &block) do |presenter| yield presenter if block_given? end end