trials and over ten expert approved papers published in scientific journals, making it the most researched and proven weight loss product available. Below are the references to the clinical trials carried out and on the following slides are the key findings from each trial: (1) European Patent Number EP 1037644 (2) Gambero, A. and Ribeiro, M.L. (2015): ‘The Positive effects of Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in Obesity’. Nutrients, 7, 730-750.. (3) Johnston, CS (2005): ‘Strategies for healthy weight loss: from vitamin C to the glycemic response’. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2005 Jun;24(3):158-65 (4) Harrold, J.A. et al (2013): ‘Acute effects of a herb extract formulation and inulin fibre on appetite, energy intake and food choice’. Appetite 62, 84-90. (5) Andersen, T. and Fogh, J. (2001): ‘Weight loss and delayed gastric emptying following a South American herbal preparation in overweight patients’. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol. 14, pp. 243-250. (6) Ruxton, C.H.S., Kirkwood, L., McMillan, B., St John, D. and Evans, C.E.L. (2007): ‘Effectiveness of a herbal supplement (ZotrimTM) for weight management’. British Food Journal, Vol. 109, pp. 416-428. (7) Doherty, M. and Smith, PM. (2004): ‘Effects of caffeine ingestion on exercise testing: a meta-analysis’. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 14(6):626-46 (8) Alhaktib, A. (2014): ‘Yerba Maté (Ilex paraguariensis) ingestion augments fat oxidation and energy expenditure during exercise at various submaximal intensities’. Nutrition & Metabolism 2014, 11:42 (9) J.A. Harrold, G.M. Hughes, K O’Shiel, E. Quinn, E.J. Boyland, N.J. Williams, J.C.G. Halford (2013). Acute effects of a herb extract formulation and inulin fibre on appetite, energy intake and food choice. Appetite, Vol 62, pp. 84-90.