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Java 101

Abhinav Das
February 17, 2016

Java 101

Language introduction presentation at ACM VIT Student Chapter Session

Abhinav Das

February 17, 2016

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  1. import java.io.* ; public class presentation { public static void

    main(string args[ ]) { System.out.println(“Introduction to JAVA.”) ; } }
  2. Compilation and Interpretation Source Code Compiler Action Java compiler compiles

    the Source code and generates a .class file known as Bytecode. Bytecode Universal Java’s Bytecode is the reason for it’s ability to be platform independent. Machine Language Portable Java Virtual Machine interprets the Bytecode and converts it into machine code required for its own platform.
  3. Java Virtual Machine which provides environment for running java programs.

    JRE JAVA Runtime Environment contains JVM, class libraries and other supporting components. Class Loader Class Loader loads all the class files required to execute the program. Bytecode Verifier Bytecode Verifier verifies the bytecode to see if there are any security problems, stack overflow, etc. JIT Just In Time compiler helps in faster compilation of Java codes. JVM
  4. JAVA IS FAST. SECURE. RELIABLE. Fast JIT compiler compiles the

    bytecode into native code, which can be directly executed by a machine in which the JAVA program runs. From second runs, JIT caches are used. Secure The Bytecode is inspected properly mainly by the class loader and bytecode verifier. Hence a high level of security is achieved. Reliable Java has a feature of Garbage collection which helps in achieving better memory management.
  5. Okay, that’s fine. But, Why JAVA? ➔ Fast. Secure. Reliable.

    ➔ Fully Object Oriented ➔ Platform Independent ➔ Portable ➔ Support for server and client ➔ OpenSource