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The Bootiful Microservice Redux Revisited Micro...

The Bootiful Microservice Redux Revisited Microslide Enterprise Edition

the slides that rocked the house at ${INSERT CONFERENCE NAME HERE}

Josh Long

June 11, 2015

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  1. B O O T I F U L M I

    C R O S E RV I C E Josh Long (⻰龙之春) @starbuxman josh@joshlong.com github.com/joshlong T H E https://github.com/joshlong/bootiful-microservices
  2. https://github.com/joshlong/qcon2015-sao-paolo-microservices-workshop Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (⻰龙之春) @starbuxman josh@joshlong.com |

    I am.. • Java Champion • open-source contributor 
 (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Vaadin, Activiti, etc etc) • JavaOne rockstar • author of 5 books, 3 video trainings on Spring
  3. D I S T R I B U T E

    D S Y S T E M S A R E H A R D
  4. Josh Long - @starbuxman Questions? Josh Long (⻰龙之春) @starbuxman josh@joshlong.com

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