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Television Comedy

April 29, 2020

Television Comedy

Not star wars


April 29, 2020

More Decks by jvd

Other Decks in Design


  1. Dialog T - So this here is the entrance to

    the Demon's Pit, but you need the password. Page 88/223
  2. Dialog S - We saw the door earlier and figured

    we'd need something like that. Page 89/223
  3. Dialog VL - Oh! I know this! I overheard it

    on the way to the cantina. Page 92/223
  4. Dialog T - You can buy anything here, vendors sell

    their wares all over. Page 126/223
  5. Dialog T - You can buy anything here, vendors sell

    their wares all over. Page 127/223
  6. Dialog T - You can buy anything here, vendors sell

    their wares all over. Page 128/223
  7. Dialog T - You can buy anything here, vendors sell

    their wares all over. Page 129/223
  8. Dialog T - You can buy anything here, vendors sell

    their wares all over. Page 130/223
  9. Dialog T - You can buy anything here, vendors sell

    their wares all over. Page 131/223
  10. Dialog T - You can buy anything here, vendors sell

    their wares all over. Page 132/223
  11. Dialog T - The Demon's pit has all forms of

    entertainment too! Page 133/223
  12. Dialog T - The Demon's pit has all forms of

    entertainment too! Page 134/223
  13. Dialog T - The Demon's pit has all forms of

    entertainment too! Page 135/223
  14. Dialog T - The Demon's pit has all forms of

    entertainment too! Page 136/223
  15. Dialog T - The Demon's pit has all forms of

    entertainment too! Page 137/223
  16. Dialog T - The Demon's pit has all forms of

    entertainment too! Page 138/223
  17. Dialog T - The Demon's pit has all forms of

    entertainment too! Page 139/223
  18. Dialog S - We're hoping to get off this planet

    as soon as possible. It's why we hired a guide. Page 179/223
  19. Dialog Bounty Bot - Sedrax Jalress, I have come to

    collect on your bounty, dead or alive. Page 187/223