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Social Media & Web Marketing Bootcamp

Social Media & Web Marketing Bootcamp

This is the social media and web marketing bootcamp from Create Conference 2012 in Ontario, Canada.


June 14, 2012

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  1. It is irrelevant whether you like the transparent demands of

    social media or don’t like them; the fact is that society has drastically changed as a result of social media–this isn’t just a nice perk; it is something the public now demands. Eric Qualman, Author
  2. Getting people to use the website. Both people in the

    church and also marketing it to people in the community.
  3. 79% US Twitter users are more likely to recommend brands

    they follow. (Source: Edison Research)
  4. 65% Number of adult internet users now say they use

    a social- networking site like MySpace, Facebook or LinkedIn, up from 61% one year ago. (Source: Wired PR Works)
  5. “Social has to be embedded into the journey you want

    your audience to take with you.” Ted Sapountzis, SAP
  6. 6 Church Web Strategy Problems • Skymall Syndrome • Ministry

    Schizophrenia • Enough about you, let’s talk about ME. • The Blind leading the Blind • Death by Committees • Volunteer Hostage Situation
  7. - Organic growth - Authentic - Experimental - Not coordinated

    -One department controls all efforts - Consistent - Sacri ce authenticity - One hub sets rules and procedures - Business units undertake own efforts - Takes time - Similar to hub and spoke but across multiple brands and units - Every employee is empowered - Unlike organic, employees are organized
  8. Program 1. We are mostly in an experimental phase with

    social media. 2. We have incorporated long-term social media initiatives into our overall organizational strategy. 3. Social media has shifted from being the responsibility of one person/one department to everyone within the organization. 4. I don’t know.
  9. Leadership & Organizational Model 1. We do not have a

    formal role for a social media position in our organization. 2. We have one person/department setting the social media structure for our organization, training and resourcing others in the organization to help set the social media vision for their department. 3. We have multiple setting the social media vision for our organization, all working cohesively as a unit to accomplish the goals of the organization. 4. I don’t know.
  10. Processes and Policies 1. We haven’t looked at our organizational

    social efforts already in place and have no established social policies. 2. We have looked at our organizational social efforts already in place and have begun to establish social policies. 3. We have clear and established social policies, processes, and work patterns across our teams and members. 4. I don’t know.
  11. Education 1. There is no formal training program to educate

    staff and team members. 2. We have a a training program but it isn’t for everyone on staff (e.g. for executive leadership only). 3. We have a regular and formalized training program that resources the entire staff. 4. I don’t know.
  12. Measurement 1. We have established ways to track our social

    media efforts by using engagement metrics, fans, followers, number of clicks, RTs, reviews, check-ins, etc. 2. We have established ways to track our social media efforts by using measurements like word-of-mouth, sentiment, resonation, etc. 3. We have established ways to measure social media effectiveness by tracking increase in donor dollars, donations, offering, etc. 4. I don’t know.
  13. Technology 1. We have invested resources into brand monitoring tools

    to listen and engage with people interested in our organization. 2. We have invested resources in social media management platforms like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to manage our various online identities. 3. We have invested resources in other digital outposts (mobile site, socially-integrated corporate site, computer kiosks, etc.) to stay connected to our base. 4. I don’t know.
  14. If you scored between 0 and 6 points, your organization

    is at the Novice level. If you scored between 7 and 12 points, your organization is at the Intermediate level. If you scored between 13-18 points, your organization is at the Advanced level.
  15. 34% respondents who have attended less than 1 year and

    said the church website was how they rst learned about the church.
  16. When we moved, a church's website has to be our

    rst lter to nd a church. A lot of churches had crummy websites and regardless of how great a church they may be, we passed them by. Source: Ryan Heinese
  17. During  usability  studies,   88%  of  web  users  went  to

      a  search  engine  first  to   accomplish  a  task.   Source:  Jakob  Nielsen  and  Hoa  Loranger.  Priori%zing  Web  Usability
  18. Top Page views % Homepage 27.25% I'm New Information 19.19%

    Groups/Ministries 16.27% Media Total 9.68% Events 7.72% Media-Sermons 6.74% Media-Others 3.52% Blog 2.09% Media-Articles 1.64% Giving 0.72% Gospel 0.21%
  19. 85% the church website was somewhat to very important in

    facilitating participation in the church community.
  20. Which areas of your church are the most impacted, positively

    by your church's online member community or social network? • Communications 83% • Involvement in church/ministry activities 44% • Community building/connectedness 43% • Operations/church management 22% • Church loyalty 17%
  21. Website Social Media Blog Static Dynamic Dynamic Information- driven Relationship-

    driven Story-driven Informing Questions Sharing Brain Voice Face ONLINE PRESENCE MATRIX © 2011 Justin Wise Social Media Dynamic Relationship- driven Listening/ Asking Voice
  22. Website Social Media Blog Static Dynamic Dynamic Information- driven Relationship-

    driven Story-driven Informing Questions Sharing Brain Voice Face ONLINE PRESENCE MATRIX © 2011 Justin Wise Social Media Dynamic Relationship- driven Listening/ Asking Voice
  23. How would your web strategy change if everyone owned an

    iPhone? Start planning for that reality now.
  24. Motivation Social Media Marketing Funnel You must motivate people to

    do something with the content you’re producing.
  25. 10% Amount of churches who responded to the great Twitter

    experiment. (Source: ChurchMarketingSucks.com)