polling station, defibrillator, property, politician, public tender that you can bid for, job, missing dog, legal document, kindergarten, vegan or vegetarian restaurant, open workspace, bus, route, parking space, playground, fire station, siren, neighbourhood, park, road, waterway, greenway, trail, spot, unit, race, monumental tree, recycling centre, religious holiday… Adopt a… fire hydrant, drain, soldier, street, highway, block, lot, stream, river, tree, siren, sidewalk, park … Monitor / check / track / assess… tap water quality, UV exposure, air quality, quality of life, noise levels, traffic, property prices, amount of green space, safety, shops and services, traffic ticket status, spread of COVID-19, swimming pool water quality, … Be notified of… Northern Lights, International Space Station, your political representative speaking, planning application in your area, changes in local air quality, when your allergies might get worse, price of crops change, checking into a restaurant at risk of being closed for health code violations, …