What is Feminism? Look beyond what feminists tells you
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the past partly prevented its spread, as Feminists’ religion/belief/god does not decide what they do based on sex, even though in reality from body to mind the make is different. • Clash with predominant religion/belief that sees them as people having difficulty understanding their gender in the context of reality. • Other happenings leading to the clash is not well documented.
pirate lineage have high degree of feminism: Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark), Philippine, and so on. • Follow by Countries with lineage in colonizing other countries to provide for them: countries in Europe in general.
pirate lineage have high degree of feminism: Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark), Philippine, and so on. • Follow by Countries with lineage in colonizing other countries to provide for them: countries in Europe in general. • Taking what does not belong to them, making dirty excuses. • Wealth (ex. spice, arts, metal) and People (ex. Africans) • Things sure comes easy! Gift for the mistress (*) ⇒ Things sure comes easy! Mistress increase demand ⇒ go pillaging others (*)
in an effort to lessen opposition, advertise they want equal treatment of men and women. • Who judges equal treatment, when to stop, and whether equal is just, are unknown. • Seeing advances, Feminists now wants favorable treatment of women and unfavorable treatment of men. • Feminist terms it, Affirmative Action. • Feminist claims they cannot get what they want without doing this. • If advances, Feminists then wants?
happens globally at similar time, backed by Financial institutions across the globe and those relies heavily on them (ex. Media and Tech sectors). • Note only a few groups have large scaled money control across all nations. • The Big Hand.
Actors walk routes everyday posing for a world of feminism. • Media and actors masquerading online speaking for feminism. Censoring oppositions. • Portray men as oppressor and women as victim of their traditional function. • With gain in sight, women groups fueled by greed and anger, demands men take women’s traditional function. • Change in children’s education to portray previous generation in bad light, and for a world of feminism. • Attack cycle happens around every 20 years.
why women caused feminism, but why women settle for what they get in previous generations. • With every attack cycle, women choose Functions by choice, not because they are bullied. Look at average life span in human history. • Getting seemed as victims, is a weapon, and women on a whole will not give that up because it means a safety net. • Women think and represents as a group, Group-think. • Men avoids trouble, in face of fear from women blaming men as a group.
came in use of fear tactics to seal away discussion. • Label those that think what people do based on gender, as Sexist • Women groups then give label continuous negative connotation, monitor potential targets to exert psychological prosecution. • Put sexual related crimes in category different from other crimes, to treat it differently and with vague triggering criteria.
came in use of fear tactics to seal away discussion. • Weaponry of women, Mass Labeling for fear, is unregulated to use on whim. • Different from weaponry of men, with set systems to define and punish for misuse. • Women form groups. Group-think. Represent themselves as over half the population, to sit outside the law.
• Feminists use Mass Labeling on men to create fear then take from the helpless. • Leaders without principles, soon find Mass Labeling a take-and-take opportunity from a system, for an image of women ballot gathering and for opposition removal without cost. • High officials dethrone using sexual misconduct labeling, to be replaced by women, void of competition from men. • Dirty excuse: women getting their lost opportunities back from men. In every attack cycle women made their work choice, enjoyed longer life span, and should take responsibility for their choice. No men shall take that responsibility.
• Feminists use Mass Labeling on men to create fear then take from the helpless. • Feminism Attack use this for gain in a continuous manner. • Things sure comes easy! Gift for the mistress. • Mistress orchestrated the scheme and fear tactics to be used systematically. • Women as a group sits outside the law, so their weapons are not sealed, to be use again and again in later Feminism Attack cycles.
what they achieve with pillage, or how skillful they are with pillage. Irrelevant. • Pillage gain through fear tactics, should be given back to original owner with apology. • Thief should not make education for children. • Things sure comes easy! No price tag is too high, some men pays whenever scared with feminism. • Hints for rapid inflation and displacement of older generation from their home to cheaper areas. • Indulgence breed children expecting things come easy (*) ⇒ Fuel feminism to steal things for them ⇒ men and women interfering each others’ tradition function, in fear of feminists’ fear tactics the men instead of women breeds children, often ending as indulgence on child (*)
defining love as indulgence on their child. • Inheritance is more responsibility than wealth in the past when things doesn’t come easy. • When inheritance bears fruit, feminism now wants it in the name of equality, at the same time bad-mouthing previous generations that worked for it. • Of greed not responsibility. Of sadism not liberation.
In slide “Man and Women”, life expectancy gap stands evident women choose work with lower risk and higher return in every cycle. • Blaming men on the choice is unjust. • A Feminism Attack is blaming men for this even though it is unjust. Time the blame just when new born comes to adulthood, with the intent the new adults grows stronger than the aging father in succeeding years, and the new adults stays in the unknown to previous Feminism Attacks where women chose work from the pool of work, and thereby bears responsibility not to blame men. • The scheme is an intricate work of art, with every element loaded with malice.
knew men and women are inherently different. • Unfavorable treatment of men sees no end. Has turned into sadism on male. • Men have tendency to avoid trouble, women does group-think. • Push part of a women’s traditional function on men causes them to take all, so as to avoid discussion on whether there is equal split in face of feminism fear tactics. Group-think allow women to not to feel guilty, when they feel those that loses out is in another group other than their own. • The group that loses out is termed “men” • The group that gains is termed “women”
men’s rights are none of their business, other than the purpose of taking from. • Expects their opposition if you stand for men’s rights. • Scapegoats designed to be immigrants so feminists always walk away without paying price. Eventual rebound happen after every round of Feminism Attack so feminists are in the knowing. • Colored people, gays, and immigrants, does not fit into the group feminists termed “women”. As they are not of the same origin. • Feminist can hide behind women’s safety net posing as victim, but immigrants cannot. • Temporary inclusion of immigrants in the “women” group without immigrants’ permission, for adding excuse to steal and eventual scapegoating.
stuff back • It’s never too late to get your stuff back • but you will have to make move. • Silence does not mean surrender, but this is not the time for silence. 1. Document Feminism Attack patterns, pictures, slogan they used, what they took and from whom, and educate the young on what they did to men. 2. Put the ^ sign (keyboard 6) anywhere in your tweet, Facebook, Youtube, any comments you make, to show you understand. 3. Copy this work and distribute. If blocked by the ‘Big Hand’ then pass on personally.