– 複数のサブゴールが逐次的に設定、それぞれに命令⽂が存在 • 問題点︓物体を運ぶ際、カメラ画像に空中に浮かんだ物体が表⽰され不⾃然 18 Goal︓Move a book from a desk to a sofa. Low-level instruction “Turn around and walk to the book on the desk.” “Pick up the book from the desk.” “Turn around and walk to the sofa on the left.” “Put the book on the middle of the sofa, to the right of the keys.” https://askforalfred.com/ 物体運搬時の画像
19 “Pick up the book from the desk.” Goal︓Move a book from a desk to a sofa. Low-level instruction “Turn around and walk to the book on the desk.” “Pick up the book from the desk.” “Turn around and walk to the sofa on the left.” “Put the book on the middle of the sofa, to the right of the keys.” https://askforalfred.com/ Name Image Instruction Vocabulary size Average sentence length ALFRED-fetch 3428 3227 884 12.5
comprehension errors for handling visual and linguistic information 73 RE Reference/Exophora resolution errors for linguistic information 30 SR The candidate region was very small 7 SO Confusion with similar objects in the image 6 OE Other errors 3 Total - 119