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TDD-based workflow: Optimizing Development Process

TDD-based workflow: Optimizing Development Process

TDD is not about removing bug, it's more about allowing you to get instant feedback to the quality of your design

A. Akbar Hidayat

April 05, 2016

Other Decks in Technology


  1. TDD TDD can't even be begun until we know the

    shape of the system that is to be created. (Uncle Bob)
  2. BDD The point of BDD is to get people communicating

    and bridge the gap between ‘technical’ and ‘business’ people (Dan North)
  3. Breaking it down 1. User Stories 2. Scenario Explorations 3.

    Architecture Decisions 4. Writing down the test
  4. User Story As an event owner I want to refund

    the remaining points from an event so that I can use the points again
  5. Architectural Decisions TDD can't even be begun until we know

    the shape of the system that is to be created. (Uncle Bob)
  6. /** * @test */ function refunding_a_sponsored_event_should_increase_admin_point() { // Simulating HTTP

    POST to a certain route $this->post(‘/refundedevents’, [ ‘id’ => 212 ]); // Check in Database that the admin point has increased ... }