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Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Introduction to Amazon Web Services

In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduced hosted web services intended to replace traditional IT infrastructure and the cloud computing era was born. With AWS, developers can build their applications on top of a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform that eliminates the need to plan for and procure servers and other IT infrastructure weeks or months in advance.

AWS provides a .Net SDK which makes it easy to build solutions for AWS infrastructure services, including Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon SimpleDB and more. In this talk, the basic components and concepts underlying AWS infrastructure will be explored as well as the tools and libraries available for .Net developers.

Kevin McMahon

July 04, 2012

More Decks by Kevin McMahon

Other Decks in Programming


  1. $!

  2. The Promise! • Elastic Capacity! • Simple and fast deployments! • No capital

    expenditures or upfront investments! • Pay as you go! • Automated and reusable!
  3. Public vs Private! Public! •  Less features, smaller scale! • 

    Less mature! •  Some have additional features or performance! Private! •  Higher costs! •  IT ops needs rather than devs!
  4. Simple Storage Service (S3)! Buckets can be in any region!

    Durable (99.999999999%)! Available (99.99%)!
  5. Simple Storage Service (S3)! Pay as you go! Data is

    stored as is! Integrated with CDN! Data Protection!
  6. Elastic Block Store (EBS)! Multiple volumes can be attached to

    an instance! Persistent so can be shutdown / restarted!
  7. DynamoDB! NoSQL service on SSDs! Replicated and scaled by the

    service automagically! Elastic MapReduce Integration!