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Content & Community, Why one won't work without...

Kim Townend
November 12, 2014

Content & Community, Why one won't work without the other.

The slides from a talk I gave at the Content Marketing Association's Digital Breakfast at this years Festival of Marketing at Tobacco Dock in London

Kim Townend

November 12, 2014

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  1. @kimlovesstuff What do your community want? What do you want

    to tell them? S w e e t s p o t IT MUST BE MUTUALLY VALUABLE !
  2. @kimlovesstuff What do I need? • A good community manager

    • A designer (or get good with Canva) • ALL THE METRICS! (and the data too) • Creativity • To add value!
  3. @kimlovesstuff Before you create,think about; • Who am I hoping

    will share this? • Where am I going to post this ? • When are they most active ? • What have they responded to in the past ? • Are they mostly accessing on mobile/tablet or PC ? • How will I measure this/which analytics platform will I use?
  4. @kimlovesstuff Don’t forget about colour! • It’s not just about

    how what your content says • Certain colours work better on different channels • Blue is the world’s favourite colour • Primary colours help a CTA stand out http://socialmarketingwriting.com/large-version-incorporate-colours-visual-social-media-strategy/
  5. @kimlovesstuff Know your technicalities • Is this content appropriate for

    this channel ? • What are the right pixel dimensions for each channel ? • Am I using /Can I use hashtags ? • How will this integrate with other channels? • Will Twitter cards help ? • What should I be measuring ? http://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-image-sizes-guide/
  6. @kimlovesstuff Before you post, consider; • How many times and

    when am I going to post this ? • Can I make it any shorter/easier to understand • Is the tone of voice appropriate for brand and channel ? • How can I minimise the risk factor ? • Is the CTA clear ? • What tool am I going to use to share this ?
  7. @kimlovesstuff What do I measure? • Shares/RTs/Repins/Reblogs • CTR •

    Reach of post/reach of community • Favourites • Wordpress jetpack metrics • Hashtag tracking
  8. @kimlovesstuff Once you find a formula that works, use it,

    constantly evaluate it, and build upon it.
  9. @kimlovesstuff This was @GOVUK’s most popular piece of content ever.

    Creating content that was shareable as government required a whole different set of rules. After much time and testing we found a formula that worked. Give people helpful information that doesn’t require a click through.