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Digital Accessibility in the Arts | Cultural P...

Digital Accessibility in the Arts | Cultural Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario (CPAMO)

Sean Lee and Kristina McMullin host an educational session that charts the emergence and swell of the Deaf and Disability Arts sector in Canada, and what it looks like to not only curate disability arts, but to develop the cultural aesthetics of access. This includes a brief overview of disability arts in Canada, current and future approaches to accessible curation, inclusive approaches to marketing, and communication as a tool for building community.

This session is part of the Digital Strategy for IBPOC Artists and Arts Organizations - Phase II with support from the Canada Council for the Arts.

Kristina McMullin

November 19, 2020

More Decks by Kristina McMullin

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. Coming Up: PART 1 Defining Communication PART 2 Targeted and

    Untargeted Communication PART 3 Building Access PART 4 Checking Access PART 5 Resources PART 6 Q & A
  2. It’s not enough to simply desire for people to engage

    with our spaces. We need to imagine community in our spaces with empathy.
  3. Resources: World Wide Web Consortium Strategies, standards, and supporting resources

    to help you make the Web more accessible to people with disabilities www.w3.org/WAI/ World Wide Web Consortium - Evaluation Tools Source for web accessibility evaluation tools like software programs or online services that help determine if web content meets accessibility guidelines. www.w3.org/WAI/test-evaluate/tools/selecting/ WEBAIM WebAIM’s mission is to expand the potential of the web for people with disabilities by providing the knowledge, technical skills, tools, organizational leadership strategies, and vision that empower organizations to make their own content accessible to people with disabilities. www.webaim.org Accessify Run a free website performance test and get actionable tips on how to optimize it. www.accessify.com
  4. Resources: pauljadam.com A collection of HTML Web Accessibility Testing Tools

    in one location in a Safari Extension used for quick and easy Accessibility testing. Run your favorite Accessibility testing tool and then take a screenshot showing the a11y error to developers and designers pauljadam.com/extension.html Sa11y Sa11y is an accessibility quality assurance tool that visually highlights common accessibility and usability issues. Geared towards content authors, Sa11y indicates errors or warnings at the source with a simple tooltip on how to fix. ryersondmp.github.io/sa11y/ A11y Project A resource page with a collection of software, books, blogs, online tools, etc. www.a11yproject.com/resources/ Tota11y Plugin tota11y is a chrome plugin that helps visualize how your site performs with assistive technologies. Chrome web store: Tota11y
  5. Resources: Pericles: Text to Speech Screen Reader Web-page TTS (text

    to speech) screen reader, that does not require cutting and pasting sentences or entire page sections Pericles benefits people with disabilities, eye fatigue or those who want to increase their productivity. It helps you read the news, scientific articles, and many other text resources. Chrome web store: Pericles Harvard Digital Accessibility Services Digital Accessibility Services (DAS) at Harvard supports community in making sure that everyone has the opportunity to access the university’s knowledge, ideas, and resources. accessibility.huit.harvard.edu/