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[IROS2021] Adaptive Hyper-Parameter Tuning for ...

June 28, 2024

[IROS2021] Adaptive Hyper-Parameter Tuning for Black-box LiDAR Odometry

Adaptive Hyper-Parameter Tuning for Black-box LiDAR Odometry
Kenji Koide, Masashi Yokozuka, Shuji Oishi, and Atsuhiko Banno
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2021)


June 28, 2024

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Other Decks in Research


  1. Adaptive Hyper-Parameter Tuning for Black-box LiDAR Odometry Kenji Koide, Masashi

    Yokozuka, Shuji Oishi, and Atsuhiko Banno National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
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    Env. descriptor Odometry error Data-driven function modeling 1. Sample a random parameter set 2. Run LiDAR odometry algorithm 3. For each sub-trajectory: • Extract an environment descriptor • Evaluate the odometry error (RTE) 4. Repeat 1~3 5. Fit a KNN regressor s.t. Sequential Model-based Optimization SMBO finds the param that maximizes the expected improvement (EI):
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  8. Online parameter selection Params Env. descriptor Odometry error Surrogate function

    (KNN regressor) Best parameter set for the current environment 1. Extract the descriptor for the current input cloud 2. Find the parameter set that minimizes the predicted error 𝑆 is nonlinear and non-convex run SMBO on 𝑺 Parameter selection is performed every second ① ② ③
  9. Simple toy example Simulated environment (A) cave, (B) open space,

    (C) outdoor street Odometry estimation algorithm Keyframe-based NDT odometry with 2 params - NDT resolution - Keyframe interval Need to be tuned depending on the environment NDT resolution Keyframe interval Large Small Better convergence Better accuracy Small odometry drift Better stability Parameter Accuracy vs stability trade-off Parameter settings (1) Manually tuned (2) Fixed param (3) Adaptive param 256 offline SMBO trials
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  11. Evaluation on KITTI odometry estimation dataset Geiger et. al, “Vision

    meets Robotics: The KITTI dataset”, IJRR2013 Odometry estimation algorithms - Keyframe-based GICP odometry - LeGO-LOAM [Tixiao, IROS2018] - SuMa [Behley, RSS2018] Three algorithms with totally different architectures Parameter settings (1) Manually tuned (2) Fixed param (3) Adaptive param 256 offline SMBO trials For seq. 00 Training/validation set Seq. 00-05 : for training Seq. 06-10 : for validation
  12. Sampled parameters and corresponding errors of GICP Point location: sampled

    parameter set Point color: odometry estimation error Different sequences require different parameters Max corresponding distance Keyframe interval - Seq. 00 requires a large max correspondence distance to prevent estimation corruption
  13. Sampled parameters and corresponding errors of GICP Point location: sampled

    parameter set Point color: odometry estimation error Different sequences require different parameters - Seq. 00 requires a large max correspondence distance to prevent estimation corruption - The best keyframe interval largely varies depending on the environment Max corresponding distance Keyframe interval
  14. Sampled parameters and corresponding errors of GICP Point location: sampled

    parameter set Point color: odometry estimation error Different sequences require different parameters - Seq. 00 requires a large max correspondence distance to prevent estimation corruption - The best keyframe interval largely varies depending on the environment Max corresponding distance Keyframe interval There is no parameter set that works well for all the seqs A conservative param for seq. 00 Deteriorated accuracy Param set for another seq Estimation corruption Params must be adaptively tuned depending on the environment
  15. Evaluation on KITTI odometry estimation dataset Fixed parameter set :

    Improved accuracy on the training set Deteriorated accuracy on the test set Adaptive parameter set : Improved accuracy on both the training and test sets
  16. Conclusions • An adaptive parameter tuning framework for black-box LiDAR

    odometry is proposed • The proposed framework uses a data-driven surrogate function modeling for error prediction • Offline parameter sampling and online parameter selection are efficiently done with SMBO (Sequential Model-based Optimization) • The proposed framework successfully improved the accuracy of different algorithms in a practical situation