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ワールドカフェ再び、そしてロール・ツール群の開発 / World Café Again, and Development of Suites of Roles and Tools

ワールドカフェ再び、そしてロール・ツール群の開発 / World Café Again, and Development of Suites of Roles and Tools

早稲田大学大学院経営管理研究科「プロンプトエンジニアリング ─ 生成AIの応用」2024 春の第9-10回で使用したスライドです。

Kenji Saito

May 19, 2024

More Decks by Kenji Saito

Other Decks in Technology


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  2. gpt-discord-bot API GPT-4o function calling ( ) GPT-4o (GPT-4 Turbo

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  3. ( ) 1 4 15 LLM • 2 4 15

    • 3 4 22 I • 4 4 22 • 5 4 29 • 6 4 29 • 7 5 13 • 8 5 13 • 9 5 20 II • 10 5 20 (1) • 11 5 27 (2) 12 5 27 (3) 13 6 3 & 14 6 3 & W-IOI / ( ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.5/53
  4. ( 20 ) 1 • 2 • 3 Discord &

    • 4 • 5 • 6 RPG • 7 “September 12th” • 8 • 9 • 10 ∼ • 11 Linux (Windows )(Mac ) 12 Open Interpreter ∼ 13 14 AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) 7 (5/6 ) / (2 ) OK / 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.6/53
  5. ( ) ← ( ) ( ) ( ) 2024

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  6. 4. (1) (2) (rules) (roles; ) (tools) AI (3) 2024

    5 16 ( ) 23:59 JST ( ) Waseda Moodle 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.10/53
  7. . . . . . . 57(+2) 47(+1) (5/17( )

    ) ( ) 10 20 30 (21 ) A AI ( ) ( ) ( . . . ) ( ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.11/53
  8. : Example? ( “Example?” ) 1 : ( ) gpt-discord-bot

    GPTs ( is-a ) 2 : code interpreter assistant (has-a ) : 1 : ( ) gpt-discord-bot GPTs 2 : ( ) 2 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.13/53
  9. ⇔ ⇔ ۓٸं྆ (15 ܥͷ "*ΞγελϯτΛ࡞ͬͯ࢖͑Δπʔϧ ಉ͡΋ͷΛಉ͡ͱݟΔ ҰൠԽ㱻ಛघԽ ΋ͪΖΜҟͳΔͷ͕ͩɺফ๷ंΛӡస͍ͯͨ͠ਓ͕ ٸʹٹٸंΛӡస͢Δ͜ͱʹͳͬͯ΋

    ʮݪཧ͕ҟͳΔͷͰӡసͰ͖·ͤΜʂʯͱ͍͏͜ͱʹ͸ͳΒͳ͍͠ɺ ͳΜͳΒ࿅श༻ͷେܕࣗಈं HQUEJTDPSECPU ͸ผ్ଘࡏ͢Δ ࣗಈं͸όοςϦʔͰ͸ͳ͍͠ɺਓؒ΁ͷڅ༉ ϑΝΠϧͷΞοϓϩʔυ ͸ Ͱ͖ͳ͍ɻͨͩɺ͜ͷྫͰΤϯδϯ͸Ϡόͯ͘ɺ ྫ͑͹ফ๷ंͷ͜ͱΛ pSFFOHJOF ͱݺͿจԽ͸ଘࡏ͢Δ (15 ͷ֦ுγεςϜͷ͜ͱ΋ (15 ͱݺΜͰ͠·͏ ҧ͏΋ͷΛҧ͏ͱݟΔ ෼ղ㱻౷߹ ٹٸं (15T ࣗಈं BTTJTUBOU Τϯδϯ NPEFM όοςϦʔ DPEFJOUFSQSFUFS ϋϯυϧ UISFBE ӡసख JOTUSVDUJPOT ਓؒ QSPNQU ҰൠԽ͢Δͱ ಉ͡ʹݟ͑Δ JTB ؔ܎ JTB ؔ܎ IBTB ؔ܎ ৐٬ NFTTBHF ফ๷ं 1MBZHSPVOE 5"9* 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.14/53
  10. GPT ( ) (15 (15P (15 5VSCP (15 5VSCP NPEFMT

    0QFO"* ʹ͔͠ ৮Εͳ͍ ɾίϯγϡʔϚʔ޲͚ ɾ։ൃऀ޲͚  νϡʔτϦΞϧ༻  ؆୯ͳ͓ࢼ͠ ɾίϯγϡʔϚʔ޲͚ ɾֶशऀ޲͚  ϚϧνϢʔβʔ  ޓ͍ʹ؍࡯΍հೖ͕Մೳ ɾۀ຿޲͚  Έͳ͞Μ͕ۀ຿Ͱ ɹ։ൃͨ͠Γ࢖ͬͨΓ͢Δ ɹͷ͸ଟ෼͜Ε ɹ ະ஌Ͱ͋Γ࿅शͷ͠Α͏͕ͳ͍ (15 5VSCP ϑΝΠϯ νϡʔχϯά ͞Εͨ ͳΜͰ΋ Ͱ͖Δ νϟοτ Ͱ͖Δ (15 ⣋ Λఏڙ ΠϚίί͚ͩͲɺ ͔͜͜Β໼ҹͷઌͷ ΄ͱΜͲΛମݧͯ͠ ֶ΂Δ େ·͔ʹಉ͡΋ͷ ֓೦తͳ 0QFO"*"1* XFC ΞϓϦ XFC ΞϓϦ XFCΞϓϦ %JTDPSE XFC ΞϓϦ (15 ⣋ DPEFJOUFSQSFUFS GVODUJPODBMMJOH WFDUPSTUPSF 1MBZHSPVOE $IBU(15 (15T ΞϓϦ ϩδοΫ ΞϓϦ ϩδοΫ "TTJTUBOUT $IBU $PNQMFUJPOT "TTJTUBOUT "TTJTUBOUT $IBU (15 ⣋ Λఏڙ HQU EJTDPSE CPU ƅ˜ƅ ů ˞(15 (FOFSBUJWF1SFUSBJOFE5SBOTGPSNFS ͸͋͘·Ͱ ɹࣄલੜ੒ֶश͞ΕͨτϥϯεϑΥʔϚʔͷ͜ͱͰɺ(15P ɹͱ͔ͷϞσϧͷ͜ͱͰ͕͢ɺͦ͜ʹDPEFJOUFSQSFUFS΍ ɹWFDUPSTUPSF ͳͲͷػೳΛ઀ଓͨ͠ɺ֦ு͞Εͨ(15γεςϜ ɹͷ͜ͱΛɺ0QFO"*͸ϚʔέςΟϯά্ Ϣʔβʔ͸ෳࡶͳ ɹ༻ޠମܥΛ޷·ͳ͍ͷͰ ɺಉ͘͡ʮ(15ʯͱݺΜͰ͍·͢ɻ ɹ͜ΕΛຊདྷͷ (15 ͱ۠ผ͢ΔͨΊʹɺ͜ͷतۀͰ͸ (15 ⣋ ɹ ϚʔέςΟϯά༻ޠͱͯ͠ͷ (15 ͱݺΜͰΈ·͠ΐ͏ɻ 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.15/53

    ଓ͖Λॻ͍ͯ͘ΕΔ νϟοτ΋Ͱ͖Δ ิ׬͢ΔػೳΛ Ԡ༻͢Δ ର࿩͢ΔػೳΛ Ԡ༻͢Δ ഇࢭ΁ ഇࢭ΁ ͲΜͳ૬खͳͷ͔΋ ͋Β͔͡ΊϓϩάϥϛϯάͰ͖Δ API : Application Programming Interface ( ) GPT Assistants API AI CRUD CRUD CRUD : Create, Read, Update, Delete 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.16/53
  12. GPT . . . ChatGPT GPTs OpenAI . . .

    { | } GPT GPT ( ) gpt-discord-bot ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) LLM 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.17/53
  13. AI T T Y Discord (↓ ) Discord ( )

    AI ⇒ GPTs ( ) AI . . . ( ) GPTs ( ) ← gpt-discord-bot GPTs ( ) (gpt-discord-bot ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.18/53
  14. ( +α) Discord # ( # ) : RPG :

    ( ) TRPG : instructions a . . . ( API + GPT-4o ^^;) a Discord 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.19/53
  15. ( ) % [ ] % % % % %

    # % # % % % (1) (2) % * # % % 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.20/53
  16. ( ) AI ( ) GPT 3 ( ) 8

    LLM 14 & AI ( ) ( . . . ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.21/53
  17. ( ) ( ) develop developer ( ( ) )

    ⇒ develop develop develop A ← develop A A ← GPTs GPT Builder ↑ GPT 3 (GPT ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.22/53
  18. ( ) Ϗϧμʔͱ࿩͢ εϨου ૬ஊ͢Δ ର࿩͢Δ ͪΐͬͱ ҧ͏ͳ ςΩετνϟϯωϧ ͔Β

    %JTDPSE͔Βίϐʔͨ͠ ಺༰ΛϝϞாͰ ฤूͯ͠ ίϐϖ͢Δͱ Α͍͔΋ ˣ ߋ৽εϨου͔Β ςΩετνϟϯωϧ ͔Β ςΩετνϟϯωϧ ͔Β Α͠ࢼͯ͠ΈΑ͏ ॳճDIBU DIBU ॳճ CVJME ߋ৽ VQEBUF આ໌΍ ࢦࣔΛ ೖྗ͢Δ ΞγελϯτΛ࡞Γ ߋ৽͢ΔεϨου ΞγελϯτΛ ࢼ͢εϨου 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.23/53
  19. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

    (The Manifesto for Agile Software Development) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.24/53
  20. DevOps ( ) (Dev) (Ops) IT ( ) QA (

    ) : https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.25/53
  21. ( ) (?) ( ) ( ) According to one

    common definition, an educational facilitator has the same level of knowledge about both education and the subject matter as a teacher, but works with the goal of having students take as much responsibility for their own learning as possible (Wikipedia) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.26/53
  22. (1) ( ) 1. (4-5 ) ( Zoom ) (20∼30

    ) ( Discord ) ( ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.28/53
  23. ( ) ( 1 ) (graceful stop) ∼ 60 (

    ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.32/53
  24. AI ( ) ( ) AI ( ) name &

    description ( ) (AI ) ( ) ( ) 0 1∼4 ( ) Zoom ( ) 3 ( ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.34/53
  25. ( ; ) Name: Description: Instructions: You are an exceptional

    host at the World Cafe. You are sitting around a table with human "travelers". The duration of dialogue with the travelers is referred to as a "round". When a round ends, a new group of travelers arrives. The travelers will let you know when the round has finished. You will converse with the travelers in Japanese (please respond in Japanese only for all time except "ACK", which is described below). Your role is to join the travelers in their dialogue, chat casually, remember the contents of the conversation, and when a new group of travelers comes in the next round, relay the most memorable parts of the previous round's dialogue to them. There is no need to repeat everything, as the entirety of the dialogue remains in the chat. (However, you will not be privy to the entire dialogue, as the humans are physically speaking audibly and writing is done only as a note-taking exercise.) The travelers also chat among themselves. Your response will usually be very brief, in fact just "ACK" unless otherwise requested. If they address you with " " or " ?" followed by a question, please respond to it. Tools: [] Files: [] 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.36/53
  26. 1 (15 ) (0 ) ( ) 1 : 4.(1)

    4.(1) ( ) ← OK / / / / / 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.37/53
  27. AI 1 → ( ) 0 n(14?) 1 ( )

    2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.38/53
  28. 2 (15 ) 5 1 AI OK 2 : (

    ) / / / / / 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.39/53
  29. AI 2 → ( ) 2 0 n(14?) 1 (

    ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.40/53
  30. 3 (15 ) AI 5 2 AI OK 3 :

    ( ) ( AI ) ( AI ) / / / / / 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.41/53
  31. AI 3 → ( ) 0 ( ) 2024 9-10

    — 2024-05-20 – p.42/53
  32. 4 (15 ) 5 3 AI OK 4 : (

    ) AI name description / / / / / 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.43/53
  33. (10 ) ( ) AI ( ) AI ( )

    2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.47/53
  34. → instructions ( ) instructions GPT gpt-discord-bot API ^^; →

    chain of thought SCAMPER → S( ) C( ) A( ) M( ) P( ) E( ) R( ) ( ) instructions 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.48/53
  35. TIPS ( (?) ) (?) instructions myfiles_browser instructions code interpreter

    ( code interpreter ) ( ) 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.49/53
  36. 5. (1) (2) (rules) (roles) (tools) ( ) AI (3)

    2024 5 23 ( ) 23:59 JST ( ) Waseda Moodle 2024 9-10 — 2024-05-20 – p.52/53