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マネージド GraphQL サービス AppSync 入門

マネージド GraphQL サービス AppSync 入門

AWS AppSync の紹介です。


June 28, 2018

More Decks by ktsukago

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  1. Amazon Web Services Japan Tsukagoshi Keisuke   GraphQL 

     AppSync  Building Realtime Application
  2. Who am I ? e gd B A @ Mobile

    / DevOps / Serverless W SJ ba W J c S=
  3. Overview c G E E R Q Aa A G

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  4. GraphQL ? • GraphQLAPI &%.  TypeSystem " &%." !'0+0-/($,

    • GraphQL&-$#/*'0+0)0("  !!)0( 
  5. 2.GraphQL%*:0#9$ -REST API 4!- • REST API 4" 4! •

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  6. GraphQL   – GraphQL - • P ) A

    • A ) B A C • A I B A P )
  7. GraphQL   – GraphQL - • P ) A

    • A ) B A C • A I B A P )
  8. ! type Todo { id: ID! name: String description: String

    status: TodoStatus } type Query { getTodos: [Todo] } enum TodoStatus { done pending } A N I S D )
  9. )

  10. )

  11. ) ) PL • La G p - G PL

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  12. ) { "id": "1", "name": "Get Milk", “priority": "1" },

    { "id": “2", "name": “Go to gym", “priority": “5" },… type Query { getTodos: [Todo] } type Todo { id: ID! name: String description: String priority: Int duedate: String } query { getTodos { id name priority } }  ! !    ! 
  13. )      != Graph database NoSQL,

    Relational, HTTP, etc.    GraphQL /posts /postInfo /postJustTitle /postsByAuthor /postNameStartsWithX /commentsOnPost
  14. ) ) PL • La G p - G PL

    G P hp r I C P P • I C P P G B - P G QI • I A QG P I -I G
  15. ) ) #$ & Mutation#& %& & - &"$ !&&

     mutation addPost( id:123 title:”New post!” author:”Nadia”){ id title author } data: [{ id:123, title:”New Post!” author:”Nadia” }]
  16. type Subscription { addedPost: Post @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["addPost"]) deletedPost: Post @aws_subscribe(mutations:

    ["deletePost"]) } type Mutation { addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String): Post! deletePost(id: ID!): Post! } subscription NewPostSub { addedPost { __typename version title content author url } }
  17. ) ) Subscription NewPostSub { addedPost{…} } WebSocket URL and

    Connection Payload Secure Websocket Connection (wss://)
  18. const AllPostsWithData = compose( graphql(AllPostsQuery, { options: { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network‘

    }, props: (props) => ({ posts: props.data.posts, subscribeToNewPosts: params => { props.data.subscribeToMore({ document: NewPostsSubscription, updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData: { newPost } }) => ({ ...prev, posts: [newPost, ...prev.posts.filter(post => post.id !== newPost.id)] }) }); }); …//more code )
  19. OV;5V; • R-S>/K •  %,01A@ +?A9NIVF • &'R-S>/K!DV>, •

    6QITV9PU •  OV8V,-HR5V9PU • F3NLUEC3;ELA<V:#"((#6 UCUB>/H, • =V9MSLD.- • =V9MSLD.-*@MAE •  OV8V!%LA<V:U4,7JVE • 2GQ/U !)-HR5V9PU, !  $  Sync
  20. AppSync7CXGNI •  )) 0' %$"',  1@MS>XWEHA65;<4%$"', • ,

    (-* "  0'&( %+,$ +"* # &! • !"',$,0  *)# *(/0 87TA?FI7 • *)# *(/0  TA?FI7QHLXB1CXMTAI7KXJTXB1=AGF CXIWYU • )"*,$('  -"*0 -,,$(' -+ *$),$(' 65 *)# 7@OVYDRX •  ,$('  *)# 29 -+ *$"* 87  • "+(%."*  TA?FI VFPXF7; 3: 
  21. AppSync Overview AWS AppSync Am azon Dynam oDB AW S

    Lam bda Elasticsearch          
  22.  AWS AppSync Am azon Dynam oDB AW S Lam

    bda Elasticsearch            
  23. (%,* • (%,*',) #  &$+# !" • GraphQL API

    1 GraphQL (%,* " SDL(Schema Definition Language)  !
  24.    schema { query:Query mutation: Mutation subscription: Subscription

    }   Query :  Mutation :  Subscription :
  25. $  type Query { getTodos: [Todo] } type Todo

    { id: ID! name: String description: String status: TodoStatus } enum TodoStatus { done pending } %'#"   Not Null  ID! &"! [String!]
  26.     "  ""   !

     Resolver Mapping Template 
  27. AppSync Overview AWS AppSync Am azon Dynam oDB AW S

    Lam bda Elasticsearch          
  28. *+#/'$..%,/!2 • '$..%,/! GraphQL*! //   //  

    GraphQL,&.   • Apache Velocity Template Language0VTL1 • %-)(." • https://docs.aws.amazon.com/appsync/latest/devguide/resolver- mapping-template-reference-programming-guide.html
  29. ;+<2@7.3?%/?5=@1 • $*)&?1>@< • !/804#<1 • 2;0@(:?4#@7.1 • 0@, 

    • ;)17.5 • 9@'@ID=)6?)4 <,;?%/ • -".$
  30.  :     { "version" : "2017-02-28",

    "operation" : "GetItem", "key" : { "id" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.id}" } } }
  31.  :     $utils.toJson($context.result) { "id" :

    ${context.data.id}, "title" : "${context.data.theTitle}", "content" : "${context.data.body1} ${context.data.body2}" }    
  32. AppSync Overview AWS AppSync Am azon Dynam oDB AW S

    Lam bda Elasticsearch          
  33. Client const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({ url: awsconfig.ENDPOINT, region: AWS.config.region,

    auth: { type: AUTH_TYPE.AWS_IAM, credentials: Auth.currentCredentials() } }); const WithProvider = () => ( <ApolloProvider client={client}> <Rehydrated> <AppWithData /> </Rehydrated> </ApolloProvider> );   https://aws.github.io/aws-amplify/
  34. Client //API Key const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({ url: awsconfig.ENDPOINT,

    region: awsconfig.REGION, auth: { type: AUTH_TYPE.API_KEY, apiKey: awsconfig.apiKey} });
  35. Client //IAM  auth: { type: AUTH_TYPE.AWS_IAM, credentials: Auth.currentCredentials() }

    //Cognito User Pool   auth: { type: AUTH_TYPE.AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS, jwtToken: Auth.currentSession().accessToke.jwtToken }
  36.    • AWS AppSync GraphQL Photo Sample •

    https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-amplify-graphql • GraphQL starter application • https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-mobile-appsync- events-starter-react
  37. B • B B ) C • C ) A

    I I P C • C P C P P )
  38. Happy coding with AppSync! AWS AppSync Am azon Dynam oDB

    AW S Lam bda Elasticsearch              AWS AppSync #"&%-*(+  GraphQL API # '),$!