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[Devfest Songdo 2023] Compose Animation

December 10, 2023

[Devfest Songdo 2023] Compose Animation

Compose Animation에 대해 톺아봅니다.


December 10, 2023

More Decks by 강경완

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  1. 시작하기에 앞서.. 1. View Animation? 2. Comopse Animation? 3. Animation

    을 선언형으로! 4. 매우 쉽고 간편한 Compose Animation
  2. 무엇을 바꿀 것인가?? 1. Scale (Size) 2. Position (Translation) 3.

    Rotate 4. Alpha 5. Value 1. Padding 2. Offset 3. Color 4. Shape 5. … (everything of that can change)
  3. 무엇을 바꿀 것인가?? 1. Scale (Size) 2. Position (Translation) 3.

    Rotate 4. Alpha 5. Value 1. Padding 2. Offset 3. Color 4. Shape 5. … (everything of that can change)
  4. 어떤 API 를 사용해야하지?? 1. AnimatedVisibility 2. AnimatedContent or Crossfade

    3. Transition 4. Animatable 5. Animate*AsState 6. Animation
  5. @Composable fun AnimatedVisibility( visibleState: MutableTransitionState<Boolean>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, enter:

    EnterTransition = fadeIn() + expandIn(), exit: ExitTransition = fadeOut() + shrinkOut(), label: String = "AnimatedVisibility", content: @Composable() AnimatedVisibilityScope.() -> Unit ) { val transition = updateTransition(visibleState, label) AnimatedEnterExitImpl(transition, { it }, modifier, enter, exit, content) } var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } AnimatedVisibility( visible = visible, ) { Text("Hello") } AnimatedVisibility
  6. var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } AnimatedContent( targetState =

    visible, label = "" ) { targetVisible -> if (targetVisible) { Text("Hello") } } AnimatedContent
  7. @Composable fun <S> AnimatedContent( targetState: S, modifier: Modifier = Modifier,

    transitionSpec: AnimatedContentTransitionScope<S>.() -> ContentTransform = { (fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) + scaleIn(initialScale = 0.92f, animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90))) .togetherWith(fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(90))) … ) { val transition = updateTransition(targetState = targetState) transition.AnimatedContent( modifier, transitionSpec, contentAlignment, contentKey, content = content ) } var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } AnimatedContent( targetState = visible, label = "" ) { targetVisible -> if (targetVisible) { Text("Hello") } } AnimatedContent
  8. AnimatedVisible AnimatedContent AnimatedContent (조정) AnimatedContent( targetState = visible, label =

    "", transitionSpec = { fadeIn() + expandVertically() togetherWith fadeOut() + shrinkVertically() } ) { targetVisible -> if (targetVisible) { Text("Hello") } }
  9. @OptIn(ExperimentalAnimationApi::class) @Composable fun <S> Transition<S>.AnimatedContent() { … currentlyVisible.fastForEach { stateForContent

    -> contentMap[stateForContent] = { …. AnimatedVisibility({ it == stateForContent }) { DisposableEffect(this) { onDispose { currentlyVisible.remove(stateForContent) rootScope.targetSizeMap.remove(stateForContent) } } rootScope.targetSizeMap[stateForContent] = (this as AnimatedVisibilityScopeImpl).targetSize with(remember { AnimatedContentScopeImpl(this) }) { content(stateForContent) } } Layout( modifier = modifier.then(sizeModifier), content = { currentlyVisible.forEach { key(contentKey(it)) { contentMap[it]?.invoke() } } AnimatedContent @Composable fun <S> AnimatedContent( targetState: S, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, transitionSpec: AnimatedContentTransitionScope<S>.() -> ContentTransform = { (fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) + scaleIn(initialScale = 0.92f, animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90))) .togetherWith(fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(90))) … ) { val transition = updateTransition(targetState = targetState) transition.AnimatedContent( modifier, transitionSpec, contentAlignment, contentKey, content = content ) }
  10. @OptIn(ExperimentalAnimationApi::class) @Composable fun <S> Transition<S>.AnimatedContent() { … currentlyVisible.fastForEach { stateForContent

    -> contentMap[stateForContent] = { …. AnimatedVisibility({ it == stateForContent }) { DisposableEffect(this) { onDispose { currentlyVisible.remove(stateForContent) rootScope.targetSizeMap.remove(stateForContent) } } rootScope.targetSizeMap[stateForContent] = (this as AnimatedVisibilityScopeImpl).targetSize with(remember { AnimatedContentScopeImpl(this) }) { content(stateForContent) } } Layout( modifier = modifier.then(sizeModifier), content = { currentlyVisible.forEach { key(contentKey(it)) { contentMap[it]?.invoke() } } AnimatedContent @Composable fun <S> AnimatedContent( targetState: S, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, transitionSpec: AnimatedContentTransitionScope<S>.() -> ContentTransform = { (fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) + scaleIn(initialScale = 0.92f, animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90))) .togetherWith(fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(90))) … ) { val transition = updateTransition(targetState = targetState) transition.AnimatedContent( modifier, transitionSpec, contentAlignment, contentKey, content = content ) }
  11. @OptIn(ExperimentalAnimationApi::class) @Composable fun <S> Transition<S>.AnimatedContent() { … currentlyVisible.fastForEach { stateForContent

    -> contentMap[stateForContent] = { …. AnimatedVisibility({ it == stateForContent }) { DisposableEffect(this) { onDispose { currentlyVisible.remove(stateForContent) rootScope.targetSizeMap.remove(stateForContent) } } rootScope.targetSizeMap[stateForContent] = (this as AnimatedVisibilityScopeImpl).targetSize with(remember { AnimatedContentScopeImpl(this) }) { content(stateForContent) } } Layout( modifier = modifier.then(sizeModifier), content = { currentlyVisible.forEach { key(contentKey(it)) { contentMap[it]?.invoke() } } AnimatedContent @Composable fun <S> AnimatedContent( targetState: S, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, transitionSpec: AnimatedContentTransitionScope<S>.() -> ContentTransform = { (fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) + scaleIn(initialScale = 0.92f, animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90))) .togetherWith(fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(90))) … ) { val transition = updateTransition(targetState = targetState) transition.AnimatedContent( modifier, transitionSpec, contentAlignment, contentKey, content = content ) }
  12. var count by remember { mutableIntStateOf(0) } AnimatedContent( targetState =

    count, label = "", transitionSpec = { if (targetState > initialState) { slideInVertically { height -> height } + fadeIn() togetherWith slideOutVertically { height -> -height } + fadeOut() } else { slideInVertically { height -> -height } + fadeIn() togetherWith slideOutVertically { height -> height } + fadeOut() }.using( SizeTransform(clip = false) ) } ) { targetCount -> Text(text = "$targetCount") } AnimatedContent 1. Layout 자체에 거는 경우 2. (단순 등장/퇴장이 아닌) State 기반 Content transition
  13. AnimationSpecs spring() • dampingRatio ◦ HighBouncy (0.2) ◦ MediumBouncy (0.5)

    ◦ LowBouncy (0.75) ◦ NoBouncy (1) • stiffness ◦ High ◦ Medium ◦ MediumLow ◦ Low ◦ VeryLow
  14. AnimationSpecs tween() • 시작과 끝 값 간의 애니메이션 처리 •

    이징 곡선을 사용하여 처리 https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/animation/core/package-summary
  15. Animate*AsState var colorChange by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } var dpChange

    by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } val animateColor by animateColorAsState(targetValue = if (colorChange) Color.Red else Color.Gray, animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 500), label = "animateColor" ) val animateDp by animateDpAsState(targetValue = if (dpChange) 50.dp else 30.dp, animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 500), label = "animateDp" ) Text("Hello", modifier = Modifier .height(animateDp) .background(animateColor))
  16. Start Layout 이 통채로 Animation 등장 / 퇴장 Animate*AsState Yes

    AnimatedContent AnimatedVisibility No Choose Animation API Yes No
  17. Animate*AsState @Composable fun <T, V : AnimationVector> animateValueAsState( … ):

    State<T> { val toolingOverride = remember { mutableStateOf<State<T>?>(null) } val animatable = remember { Animatable(targetValue, typeConverter, visibilityThreshold, label) } val channel = remember { Channel<T>(Channel.CONFLATED) } SideEffect { channel.trySend(targetValue) } LaunchedEffect(channel) { for (target in channel) { launch { if (newTarget != animatable.targetValue) { animatable.animateTo(newTarget, animSpec) } } } } return toolingOverride.value ?: animatable.asState() }
  18. Animate*AsState @Composable fun <T, V : AnimationVector> animateValueAsState( … ):

    State<T> { val toolingOverride = remember { mutableStateOf<State<T>?>(null) } val animatable = remember { Animatable(targetValue, typeConverter, visibilityThreshold, label) } val channel = remember { Channel<T>(Channel.CONFLATED) } SideEffect { channel.trySend(targetValue) } LaunchedEffect(channel) { for (target in channel) { launch { if (newTarget != animatable.targetValue) { animatable.animateTo(newTarget, animSpec) } } } } return toolingOverride.value ?: animatable.asState() }
  19. Animatable var colorChange by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } val color

    = remember { Animatable(Color.Gray) } LaunchedEffect(colorChange) { delay(500) color.animateTo(if (colorChange) Color.Red else Color.Green) } Text("Hello", modifier = Modifier .height(50.dp) .background(color.value))
  20. Animatable – 서로다른 animation spec var colorChange by remember {

    mutableStateOf(true) } val color = remember { Animatable(Color.Gray) } LaunchedEffect(buttonClick1) { color.animateTo( targetValue = if (colorChange) Color.Red else Color.Green, animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 500) ) } LaunchedEffect(buttonClick2) { color.animateTo( targetValue = if (colorChange) Color.Red else Color.Green, animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 100) ) }
  21. Animate*AsState vs Animatable Animating Object Animatable<T> Coroutine Scope animateTo animationSpec1

    targetValue1 animateTo 1 animationSpec1 targetValue1 animateTo 2 animationSpec2 Animating Object Animatable<T> targetValue2 SnapTo Animatable animate*AsState()
  22. Transition – state 에 따라 동시에 전환이 일어날 때 var

    currentState by remember { mutableStateOf(BoxState.Collapsed) } val transition = updateTransition(currentState) val offset by transition.animateDp(label = "") { state -> when (state) { BoxState.Collapsed -> 100.dp BoxState.Expanded -> 50.dp } } val borderWidth by transition.animateDp(label = "") { state -> when (state) { BoxState.Collapsed -> 1.dp BoxState.Expanded -> 0.dp } }
  23. Transition++ @Composable fun AnimatedVisibility( visibleState: MutableTransitionState<Boolean>, …. content: @Composable AnimatedVisibilityScope.()

    -> Unit ) { val transition = updateTransition(visibleState, label) AnimatedEnterExitImpl(transition, { it }, modifier, enter, exit, content) } @Composable fun <S> AnimatedContent( targetState: S, …. content: @Composable() AnimatedContentScope.(targetState: S) -> Unit ) { val transition = updateTransition(targetState = targetState, label = label) transition.AnimatedContent( modifier, transitionSpec, contentAlignment, contentKey, content = content ) } AnimatedContent, AnimatedVisiblity 모두 Transition 의 확장함수 -> 함께 묶어서 사용 가능 AnimatedContentScope: AnimatedVisibilityScope 스코프 안에서도 transition 사용 가능
  24. Animatable vs Transition, spring vs tween Animatable: cancel 시 Tween

    을 존중 Transition: cancel 시 spring 처리 Cancel 시 흐름이 자유로운 spring 묵묵히 지정된대로 tween
  25. Let`s try 1. animateFloatAsState Dim fade in (alpha) 2. Transition

    Button slideVertically - animateDp Pannel fadeIn + slideVertically - AnimatedVisibility - fadeIn (with delay) - slideInVertically
  26. Let`s try val alpha by animateFloatAsState( targetValue = if (visible)

    0.4f else 0f, animationSpec = tween( durationMillis = 360, easing = LinearEasing, ), ) Box( modifier = Modifier .alpha(alpha) .background(Color.Black) .fillMaxSize() ) val transition = updateTransition(visible) val buttonOffset by transition.animateDp() Button( modifier = Modifier.offset(y = buttonOffset), } transition.AnimatedVisibility(visible = { it }, enter = fadeIn( animationSpec = tween( durationMillis = 360, delayMillis = 240, easing = LinearEasing, ) ) + slideInVertically( tween( durationMillis = 1200, ) ) { height -> height / 2 }
  27. Let`s try++ val translationY = remember { Animatable(0f) } val

    draggableState = rememberDraggableState(onDelta = {dragAmount -> coroutineScope.launch { translationY.snapTo(translationY.value + dragAmount) } })
  28. Let`s try++ val translationY = remember { Animatable(0f) } val

    draggableState = rememberDraggableState(…) Box.draggable(draggableState, Orientation.Vertical, onDragStopped = { velocity -> val decayY = decay.calculateTargetValue(translationY.value, velocity) coroutineScope.launch { if (decayY > 400) { visible = false } else { translationY.animateTo( // 임계치를 넘지 않으면 원복 targetValue = 0f, initialVelocity = velocity ) } } }) )