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Some Modern Tools for Developers

April 16, 2015

Some Modern Tools for Developers


April 16, 2015

More Decks by landish

Other Decks in Programming


  1. WebStorm - PHPStorm Features • Best Code Intellisense • Built-in

    Terminal • REST Service Tool • GIT Support • Emmet (Zen Coding) Support • PRE-Compilers Support (SASS, Coffee) • Modern Tools Support - Gulp, Bower, etc… • ...
  2. WampServer h Alias Name: my-custom-app Address: http://localhost/my-custom-app Alias Name: my-custom-app-2

    Address: http://localhost/my-custom-app-2 Alias Name: my-custom-app-3 Address: http://localhost/my-custom-app-3
  3. GIT - Bitbucket - Smart Commits JRA-34 #time 1w 2d

    4h 30m JRA-34 #comment corrected indent issue JRA-090 #resolve Fixed this today …. <KEY> <COMMAND> <value> https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/FISHEYE/Using+smart+commits https://confluence.atlassian. com/display/Cloud/Processing+JIRA+issues+with+commit+messages
  4. SASS + Compass SASS = CSS PREProcessor Compass = SASS

    Framework http://sass-lang.com/ http://compass-style.org/
  5. SASS (Requires Ruby) Install Ruby - http://rubyinstaller.org/ Install SASS -

    gem install sass Install Compass - gem install compass
  6. SASS Formats / Syntax File Extensions: *.scss and *.sass scss

    = css + advanced css sass = clean, simple, bracketless (no {})
  7. Watch and Compile command: compass compile # or command: compass

    watch # start a new project command: compass init # clean compiled files command: compass clean
  8. Gulp Features • Set-up a Node.js Server • Concatenate Files

    • Minify Files • Precompile Assets (CSS, JS, HTML) • Extendable (by Plugins) • ...
  9. Essential Gulp Plugins gulp-sass - Compile SASS to CSS gulp-compass

    - Compile Compass to CSS gulp-uglify - Minify JS Files gulp-concat - Concatenate (Merge) Multiple files into one gulp-browser-sync - Synchronize browser with project ( http://browsersync.io/ ) … laravel/elixir - Laravel specific, but All-in-one gulp plugin. ... http://gulpjs.com/plugins/
  10. gulpfile.js var gulp = require('gulp'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); gulp.task('scripts',

    function() { return gulp.src('src/*.js') .pipe(concat('app.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')); }); gulp.task('watch', function() { gulp.watch('src/*.js', ['scripts']); });
  11. Gulp Resources • Getting Started With Gulp.js • Course: Learning

    Gulp • http://gulpjs.com/ • https://github.com/laravel/elixir • http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/elixir • https://laracasts.com/index/elixir
  12. Bower - Install/Update Packages install command: bower install jquery install

    and save: bower install jquery --save update command: bower update jquery uninstall command: bower uninstall jquery
  13. Bower Configuration - .bowerrc /bower_components ( default ) .bowerrc {

    “directory” : “packages” } http://bower.io/docs/config/
  14. AngularJS • 2-way data binding • Filters • Directives -

    Custom HTML snippets • 3rd-party libraries • … Showcases: https://builtwith.angularjs.org/ Best Practices: https://github.com/mgechev/angularjs-style-guide https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide
  15. Kendo UI - Components • Grid • Chars • Editor

    • Upload • Window • Tree View • Auto Compete • Date Picker • Multi Select • Buttons • Tabs • Sorting • Filtering • …. http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/
  16. + =

  17. HTML5 Mobile Applications NO jQuery Use Vanilla JS, AngularJS ...

    NO GIF Animations Use CSS Animations, GSAP Modular Approach Single Page Application
  18. Composer - Commands composer create-project laravel/laravel . composer require author/package-name

    composer require-dev author/package-name composer install composer update composer dump-autoload -o vendor/autoload.php
  19. Laravel - Installation composer create-project laravel/laravel Laravel installer: laravel new

    app_name Artisan: php artisan serve # http://localhost:8000
  20. Laravel - Eloquent ORM ORM - Object Relational Mapping db

    table: users (plural, lowercase) eloquent model: User.php (singular, capitalize)
  21. Laravel - Eloquent - Relationships • One To One •

    One To Many • Many To Many • Has Many Through • Polymorphic Relations • Many To Many Polymorphic Relations
  22. Laravel - Model Events • creating • created • updating

    • updated • saving • saved • deleting • deleted • restoring • restored