GraphQL is a newer query language released by Facebook in 2015 while REST is around since 2000 and a paradigm for stateless distributed systems. REST is considered as a defacto standard for building HTTP-APIs and today some see GraphQL as a replacement for this.
But is GraphQL really a replacement for REST? It can be taken for granted, that both GraphQL and RESTful APIs have its very own justification. As so often it’s all about context: when to decide for REST or when for GraphQL or even for both?
Aside from deciding for a concept when building apps and fit functional requirements we are forced to consider non-functional requirements for web scale systems, too. What are the challenges to face for API design and in terms of performance in distributed scalable systems?
The talk points out what to consider when using REST or GraphQL and what to take care of. It shows best practices for an Agile and DevOps environment and introduces to the common pitfalls when it comes to performance of systems build on RESTful API’s and GraphQL.
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