Environment Health Culture Literacy Employment Policy Military Dimensions & Parameters Azzuni, A., & Breyer, C. (2017). Definitions and dimensions of energy security: A literature review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment,7(1), 1-34. doi:10.1002/wene.268
EFFICIENCY = Usable Energy OUT x 100% Total Energy IN Energy in Usable Energy out ENERGY EFFICIENCY = Heat Energy absorbed by water x 100% Electric Energy in “Energy System” -- Hot Pot
energy absorbed by water (joule, J) m = mass of water (gram, g) Cp = specific heat, 4.186 j/g-˚C ΔT = change in temperature (˚C) Heat Energy Absorbed by Water (USABLE ENERGY OUT) ELECTRIC ENERGY IN = electricity used by hotpot appliance
T1 Hot Water Large amount of heat (thermal energy) : T2 What happened to the rest of the electric energy that went into the hot pot? “Energy System” -- Hot Pot
high Energy Efficiency Ratio(EER) • Shut the window and door tightly. • Each 1℃ you raise the temperature = 6% savings of power consumption. • Set room temperature to 26~28℃ (78.8oF-82.2oF) • Clean the heat exchanger or condenser regularly. • Apply heat-insulated material and sunshade to reduce indoor heat capacity. https://www.taipower.com.tw/en/page.aspx?mid=386 https://2qaayg3yvidcn9imquz625sg-wpengine.netdna- ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ductless-air- conditioner.jpg
cm away from walls. • Move refrigerators away from ovens and heaters. • Keep 20 % space empty inside to let the air circulate easily. • Reduce the number of times you open the refrigerator; each time you do, the compressor must operate 10 min to return to a low-temperature. https://www.taipower.com.tw/en/page.aspx?mid=386 https://www.lg.com/us/images/refrigerators/md05130240/gallery/medium01.jpg
Install high-efficiency LED bulbs with the HF electronic ballasts. • Paint the ceilings and walls in light colors to reflect natural sunlight https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_2415de4b- abc2-4490-9f80-222f61348df9?wid=488&hei=488&fmt=pjpeg
their website: https://www.taipower.com.tw/en/page.aspx?mid=317 https://www.taipower.com.tw/upload/317/2018032816540459 885.pdf you find sections B1 and B2 which suggest how you can avoid using electricity during expensive times of day.
this energy system? Expands the System Boundary to include the primary resource Efficiency = energy provided by car Efficiency ~ 35% Efficiency ~ 74 -95% coal
it releases which leads to BOTH Acid Rain AND Global Warming? 4.How much SO2 /NOx it releases which causes Acid Rain? 5.Cost to the customer? 6.Environmental advantages? 7.Disadvantages? 8.Extra Info? (to sell it) 9.Conclusion