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Dockercon 16 Recap

Dockercon 16 Recap

Presented at the Docker Austin meetup on July 7th, 2016.

Video recording - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x-YfwTRZ98

Lee Calcote

July 07, 2016

More Decks by Lee Calcote

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  1. DockerCon16 Recap Lee Calcote Clouds, containers and their management @lcalcote

    leecalcote blog.gingergeek.com lee@calcotestudios.com
  2. Community Announcements July 11-13th July 23rd July 8-9th Sep 7-9th

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  4. 1. Get out of the way The best tools… 2.

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  5. Hypervisor Framework vmnet Framework Docker Container Engine HyperKit Linux VPNKit

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    9600 2. docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh 3. docker run --net host --pid host --privileged -v /:/hostfs chroot /hostfs
  8. Swarm mode Service API Cryptographic node identity Built-in routing mesh

    Docker 1.12: now with orchestration built-in.
  9. Combine your engines in swarms of any scale Self-organizing, self-healing

    No external data store required No single points of failure Infrastructure-agnostic topology Swarm mode
  10. Cryptographic node identity Government-grade security by default End-to-end TLS Built-in

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  11. Section 2 - Docker daemon configuration 2.14 Enable live restore

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  12. Built-in Routing Mesh Swarm-wide overlay networking Container-native load-balancing DNS-based service

    discovery No separate cluster to setup Works with your existing load-balancers Rock-solid kernel-only data path with IPVS
  13. Swarm mode Service API Cryptographic node identity Built-in routing mesh

    Docker 1.12: now with orchestration built-in.
  14. Docker-native experience No external dependencies No single point of failure

    Secure by default Works with your infrastructure Reverse compatible Docker 1.12: now with orchestration built-in.