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Load-Balancing in the Cloud using Nginx & Kuber...

Load-Balancing in the Cloud using Nginx & Kubernetes

Presented on March 16, 2017 through O'Reilly - http://www.oreilly.com/pub/e/3864

Modern day applications bring modern day infrastructure requirements. Whether you bring your own or you use your cloud provider's managed load-balancing services, even moderately sophisticated applications are likely to find their needs underserved.

Lee Calcote

March 16, 2017

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  7. SSL Termination @lcalcote Kubernetes 1.5 No Swarm 1.13 No Mesos+Marathon

    Yes ELB Classic Yes ELB L7 Yes Beanstalk Yes (EC2) IOT Yes ECS Yes (EC2) Load-Balancer No App Gateway Yes Container Service ? Cloud LB (HTTP) Yes Cloud LB (Network) Yes GKE No Container Orchestrators Clouds AWS Azure GCP Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link SSL Proxy SSL Proxy
  8. Websocket Support Kubernetes 1.5 No Swarm 1.13 No Mesos+Marathon Yes

    Container Orchestrators Clouds AWS Azure GCP Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link @lcalcote ELB Classic Yes ELB L7 Yes Beanstalk Yes IOT Yes ECS Yes Load-Balancer No App Gateway Yes Container Service ? Cloud LB (HTTP) No Cloud LB (Network) Yes GKE No
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  10. - group of co-scheduled containers and volumes Replication Controller -

    reconciliation loop to keep current state congruent with desired state - a set of pods that comprise a common function - manages updates for Pods and Replica Sets - store and retrieve sensitive data ConfigMap Pod Service Deployment Secrets \ˈnō-mən-ˌklā-chər a brief Kubernetes construct review @lcalcote
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    inside of the cluster. - It serves as a way to return an alias to an external service residing outside the cluster. - exposes service on a port on each node of the cluster. - cluster-internal IP and exposing service on a NodePort, also ask the cloud provider for a load balancer which forwards requests to the Service exposed as a <NodeIP>:NodePort for each Node. ClusterIP ExternalName NodePort LoadBalancer @lcalcote
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  13. iptables Container AA Container A kube-proxy kube-proxy Node A Node

    B Client Pod A Service A iptables Inbound Outbound NodePort @lcalcote Traffic flow with NodePort/LoadBalancer Container BB Container B Pod B Service B
  14. An is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections

    to reach the cluster services. - how you expose and route to the . Ingress service Ingress no·men·cla·ture @lcalcote apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: projects spec: tls: - hosts: - api.maxplay.io secretName: api-secret rules: - host: api.maxplay.io http: paths: - path: /projects backend: serviceName: tenant-svc servicePort: 80 - path: /tenants backend: serviceName: user-svc servicePort: 80 - path: /users backend: serviceName: user-svc servicePort: 80
  15. An is a control loop that manages rules enabling inbound

    traffic to applications. Ingress Controller Ingress Controller specification @lcalcote apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-ingress-dp labels: app: nginx-ingress spec: replicas: 1 selector: app: nginx-ingress template: metadata: labels: app: nginx-ingress spec: containers: - image: maxplay/nginx-ingress:latest imagePullPolicy: Always name: nginx-ingress ports: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 80 - containerPort: 443 hostPort: 443 args: - /nginx-ingress-controller - --default-backend-service= \ $(POD_NAMESPACE)/nginx-default-backend Make sure you review controller specific docs so you understand the caveats of each one.
  16. iptables Container AA Container A Ingress Controller kube-proxy kube-proxy Node

    A Node B Client Pod A Ingress B Service A iptables Inbound Outbound @lcalcote Traffic flow with Ingress Controller
  17. Annotation in the Ingress resource definition specifies which services are

    web socket services - "socks-svc" Web Socket Support Ingress Resource Annotation @lcalcote apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: api-ingress annotations: nginx.org/websocket-services: "sockjs-svc" spec: tls: - hosts: - api.maxplay.io secretName: api-secret rules: - host: api.maxplay.io http: paths: - path: /sockjs backend: serviceName: sockjs-svc servicePort: 8181
  18. Why Nginx 1. Hybrid needs On-premises and Google Cloud Platform

    2. Consistent administration and capabilities central load balancing and proxy platform 3. Support for VM and container-based technologies with minimal configuration change 4. Deeper feature set available as services/team matures use as an Application Delivery Controller Platform independence @lcalcote
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  20. GSLB & Content Caching w/Nginx Plus App App App GeoDNS

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  21. Lee Calcote linkedin.com/in/leecalcote @lcalcote blog.gingergeek.com lee@calcotestudios.com Thank you. Questions? clouds,

    containers, infrastructure, applications and their management http://calcotestudios.com/ talks