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Lemi's Way About Preparing and Presenting Talks

Lemi's Way About Preparing and Presenting Talks

This is the deck I used when I spoke about preparing presentations at Software Craftsmanship Turkey Meetup. You can check the recording in Turkish from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-RWsVSbAqE

Lemi Orhan Ergin

October 12, 2016

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  1. disclosure I am a life time learner and full time

    apprentice. I have long way to be a master at public speaking. The things that I share do not mean these will work for you. Please take this session as an opportunity for learning experience.
  2. my story Talking in front of people is scarier that

    dying. I had a similar excuse for having too much anxiety and strees. But I think I know how I can handle that.
  3. people Team mates Colleagues Undergraduates Communities Public places Internal seminars

    Team trainings Meetups Seminars at universities Conference talks
  4. topic Soft topics Experience report Having code insights Deeply technical

    Live coding places Internal seminars Team trainings Meetups Seminars at universities Conference talks people Team mates Colleagues Undergraduates Communities Public
  5. selecting a topic Select a topic excites you most. Select

    a topic that you have stories about. Titles are very important. Work on it. Abstract should be well defined. Learn how to write good CFP abstracts.
  6. before the talk Do not come tired. Go to toilet

    beforehand. You will fall into Speaker's Dilemma, that's ineviable. Do not load your brain too much before the talk. Concentrate.
  7. dealing with stress Think as if you are talking to

    your close friends. Think as if you are the most experienced and knowledgable guy in the room:)
  8. timing Use your watch to check the timing. Put free-to-go

    slides to recover. Define last-exits in your slides. Practice to define checkpoints for specific slides.
  9. don'ts Do not talk about yourself too much Do not

    talk about your family, kids or wife Never prepare two presentations in the same way Never use exactly the same presentation twice Never use system fonts No bulletted points No powerpoint
  10. do's Relax, you can never satisfy everyone Look at people's

    eye while talking Do practice, to have fewer text in slides Using photos is a plus and minus Practice, even memorize opennings and closings
  11. inspiration Search for great slides to inspire you, Collect ideas

    from them. When you see a good font, search it and use it. Collect stories in your life. Read, read a lot.
  12. submissions People ask you to attend You submit for a

    CFP Search for CFP at social media Have masters to have guidance I was rejected 7 times in one year
  13. visuals Icons and photos should be used carefully. Be in

    love with the fonts. You should spend a lot of time to have perfect pixels.
  14. fuck-ups Your slides are not displayed well Audio system is

    flickering Your machine cannot be connected Your forgot your mac adapter The display has gone technical
  15. fuck-ups People joins after the talk starts Audience do not

    want interaction Profile of the audience is very different than expected People are sleeping during the talk Low attendance audience
  16. fuck-ups The previous speaker spoke too much. You lose control

    in your timings. Time is up but you have 25 slides more. You are late to your talk. timing
  17. after the talk Always be available for chats after your

    talk Share all the content you present Ask feedback from someone you trust their negative feedback Anyone gives good beedback. Collect negative ones as well.