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New open source project for viewing Jupyter Not...

New open source project for viewing Jupyter Notebooks

LINE DevDay 2020

November 27, 2020

More Decks by LINE DevDay 2020

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Background Share and view Jupyter notebook › Widely used in

    the AI field › JSON Format file › Extension is .ipynb › Persisted in Amazon S3 › How to share?
  2. Why not using JupyterLab/Hub? › Too heavy › Too many

    trivial functions › Inconsistent UI style › Not easy to integrate
  3. Do NOT Reinvent the Wheel! Why not using Open Source?

    › Commuter (https://github.com/nteract/commuter) › Nbviewer (https://github.com/jupyter/nbviewer) › …
  4. Why not Commuter? › Heavy › Can not add context

    path › Difficult to customize › …
  5. Do it ourselves! Technology selection › Python › Nbconvert (https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert)

    › Flask (https://github.com/pallets/flask) › Boto3 (https://github.com/boto/boto3) › …
  6. Introduction › Set context path Integration is very easy ›

    Passing AccessKey, SecretKey, BucketName through http request headers › Etag + LastModified Performance is good
  7. Introduction Rich features › s3 and local disk two kinds

    of storage › Render ipynb, image and markdown › Interactively hide/show codes of Notebook › Display and allow to configure Toc of Notebook
  8. Why release to open source? All the components we use

    are open source › Flask › Nbconvert › jupyter_latex_envs › Boto3 › Markdown2 › Jquery › Requirejs › Toc2 › Bootstrap We want to contribute to the open source community
  9. About naming All rejected by the trademark review team ›

    judy › jupyternb-viewer › nbviewer › shuttle › nbkankan › …