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The application of formal methods in Kafka reli...

The application of formal methods in Kafka reliability engineering

The application of formal methods in Kafka reliability engineering
Haruki Okada / LINE Corporation

「Apache Kafka Meetup Japan #11」

LINE Developers

June 27, 2022

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  1. Speaker 2 •Haruki Okada (Twitter/GitHub: ocadaruma) •Lead of LINE IMF

    team •Kafka contributor •KIP-764: Configurable backlog size for creating Acceptor •Author of tlaplus-intellij-plugin •https://github.com/ocadaruma/tlaplus-intellij-plugin
  2. Kafka at LINE 3 •One of the most popular middleware

    in LINE •We provide multi-tenant shared Kafka cluster •Data in/out: 1.75PB / day •Peak message inflow: 23.5M messages / sec
  3. Reliability engineerings 4 •We put a lot of engineering efforts

    to make our cluster highly reliable •e.g. •“Reliability Engineering Behind The Most Trusted Kafka Platform”
 (LINE DEVELOPER DAY 2019) •"Investigating Request Delay in a Large-Scale Kafka Cluster Caused by TCP"
  4. •Broker 1 got down due to hardware failure •Usually, new

    leader should be elected from other replicas and producer continues working Phenomenon 7
  5. •This time, however, new leader wasn’t elected so the partition

 unable to produce at all :( Phenomenon 8
  6. •In Kafka, such partition is called ”offline partition” •Partition leader

    is absent •Also, cannot elect new leader Phenomenon 9
  7. What happened? 10 •In sync replica (ISR) is a replica

    that is catching up the leader fast enough •Only ISR can be elected as a leader
  8. What happened? 11 •Before broker1 completely died, broker1 became unable

    to handle fetch request
 => marked other replicas as “not in-sync”
  9. What happened? 12 •Finally, broker1 died completely •=> There were

    no eligible replicas to be elected as new leader
  10. •Requires tough decision •We have to choose either of “Fast

    recovery” or “Data durability” Handling offline partition situation 13
  11. •Elect non in-sync (called “out-of-sync”) replica as the new leader

    •Could cause data loss Possible handlings for offline partition:
 Unclean leader election 14
  12. •e.g. By replacing the failed hardware •Could take long time

    to recover the situation •Meanwhile, produce / consume against the partition is unable Possible handlings for offline partition:
 Start up the failed leader (our choice) 15 => We decided doing this to avoid data-loss
  13. How can we improve? 16 •We succeeded to recover the

    situation, but took long time to wait hardware replacement •=> We want to recover offline partition more fast while avoiding data loss
  14. Deep dive into data durability in Kafka 17 offset Replica1

    (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) Producer Buffer
  15. Deep dive into data durability in Kafka 18 offset Replica1

    (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Producer produces a message Send request 0 Producer Buffer Request
  16. 19 offset Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Replica2 replicates

    offset 0 0 0 Producer Buffer Request Deep dive into data durability in Kafka
  17. 20 offset Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Replica3 replicates

    offset 0 •Produce response successfully returns 0 0 0 Return response Producer Buffer Deep dive into data durability in Kafka
  18. 21 •Kafka ensures messages are replicated to all in-sync replicas

 successful return of produce requests •(Assumes producer is configured with `acks = all`) •Messages replicated to all in-sync replicas are called “committed messages” •≠ “committed offset” (which means the checkpoint of consumer position) Deep dive into data durability in Kafka
  19. Deep dive into availability in Kafka 22 offset Replica1 (Leader)

    Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Producer produces a message again 0 0 0 1 Send request Producer Buffer Request
  20. 23 offset Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Replica3 replicates

    offset 1 0 0 0 1 1 Producer Buffer Request Deep dive into availability in Kafka
  21. 24 offset Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Replica2 became

    out-of-sync •Produce request returns successfully, as it’s replicated to all “in-sync” replicas 0 0 0 1 1 Return response Producer Buffer Deep dive into availability in Kafka
  22. 25 •Kafka has a flexibility in minimum in-sync replica count

    to “commit” the messages •`min.insync.replicas` config •e.g. (Assumes there are 3 replicas) •`min.insync.replicas = 2` •=> Can tolerate 1 replica to fail to continue working, with ensuring at least 2
 replicas have full set of committed messages Deep dive into availability in Kafka
  23. What if in-sync replicas shrunk to 1 26 offset Replica1

    (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Producer produces a message again 0 0 0 1 1 2 Send request Producer Buffer Request
  24. What if in-sync replicas shrunk to 1 27 offset Replica1

    (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Replica3 becomes out of sync 0 0 0 1 1 2 Producer Buffer Request
  25. What if in-sync replicas shrunk to 1 28 offset Replica1

    (Leader) •Message cannot be committed when `min.insync.replicas = 2` •Meanwhile, the message continues sitting in producer’s buffer 0 1 2 Producer Buffer Request Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) 0 0 1
  26. How can unclean leader election leads data loss 29 offset

    Replica1 (Leader) •Let’s say the leader dies as like the phenomenon we encountered 0 1 2 Producer Buffer Request Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) 0 0 1
  27. How can unclean leader election leads data loss 30 offset

    Replica1 (Leader) •By default, first alive replica in replica-list is elected as the new leader
 upon unclean leader election 0 1 2 Producer Buffer Request Replica2 (New leader) Replica3 (Follower) 0 0 1
  28. How can unclean leader election leads data loss 31 offset

    Replica1 (Leader) •Replica3 will truncate offset 1 because new leader doesn’t have it •=> offset 1 lost 0 1 2 Producer Buffer Request Replica2 (New leader) Replica3 (Follower) 0 0
  29. •With `min.insync.replicas = 2`, at least 1 replica should have

    full set of committed
 messages •i.e. Replica3 in previous example •At LINE, all topics are configured with `min.insync.replicas = 2` •=> If we can choose such replica as the new “unclean” leader, we can expect
 no data-loss even on unclean leader election Idea: Avoid data loss even on unclean leader election 32
  30. •We have to know which replica has the full set

    of committed messages
 without inspecting failed leader’s log •Because we likely cannot login to failed leader’s machine How can we identify such “eligible” replica? 33
  31. How can we identify such “eligible” replica? 34 •Can “alive

    replica that has the latest offset” be the criteria of 
 “the replica that has full set of committed messages” ? Replica1 (Leader) 0 1 2 Producer Buffer Request Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (New leader) 0 0 1 offset
  32. Sounds work... but not 100% sure 35 •In the simple

    scenario like previous example, it should work •However, there are infinite number of possible scenarios •Checking all of them is beyond human capability
  33. •Using formal methods, we describe the system’s possible behavior in

    a rigorous way •In dedicated specification languages •We can run exhaustive check against the system and find any path that leads
 undesired situation •Specification languages: •VDM++, Z, Alloy,…, TLA+ (our choice) Formal methods to the rescue! 36
  34. •TLA+ is a formal specification language developed by Leslie Lamport

    • http://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/tla.html •Many real-world applications: •Amazon Web Services • https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/amazon-excerpt.html •Kafka • https://www.confluent.io/kafka-summit-sf18/hardening-kafka-replication/ •Raft • https://raft.github.io/ What is TLA+ 37
  35. •In TLA+, we describe the system as the state machine

    •Terminologies: •Variables •Represents the system’s state •Actions •State transitions in the system Basic ideas of TLA+ 38
  36. •The program that executes state exploration against TLA+ specification •We

    specify “invariant” of the system when running TLC •e.g. “Committed messages never lost” •As soon as TLC found a state that doesn’t satisfy the invariant, it stops and dumps
 the state transitions TLC model checker 39
  37. Variables 41 •commitedMessages •Tracks committed messages •zkState •Tracks the information

    stored in ZooKeeper like current leader, ISRs •replicaStates •Each replica’s states like local log •inflightProducers •Tracks pending produce requests
  38. 46 offset Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) Send request

    0 Producer Buffer Request 0 0 1 Found scenario •Producer produces a message
  39. 47 offset Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) 0 Producer

    Buffer Request 0 0 1 •Replica2 is marked as out-of-sync Found scenario
  40. 48 offset Replica1 (Becoming
 follower) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Leader) 0

    0 0 1 Producer Buffer Request •Replica3 is elected as the leader •e.g. by auto workload balancer (like linkedin’s cruise-control) •Replica1 is becoming follower but offset1 is still not be truncated Found scenario
  41. 49 offset Replica1 (Becoming
 follower) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Leader) 0

    Producer Buffer Request 0 0 1 Producer2 Buffer Request 1 •Another producer produces a message to new leader (replica3) Found scenario
  42. 50 offset 0 Producer Buffer Request 0 0 1 Producer2

    Buffer Request 1 1 Replica1 (Becoming
 follower) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Leader) •Replica2 replicates offset1 of new leader Found scenario
  43. 51 offset 0 Producer Buffer Request 0 0 1 Producer2

    Buffer Request 1 Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) •Replica1 is elected as the leader again •e.g. by auto workload balancer (like linkedin’s cruise-control) •Replica3 truncates offset1, as replica1 doesn’t have it Found scenario
  44. 52 offset 0 Producer Buffer 0 0 1 Producer2 Buffer

    Request 1 Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) 1 •Replica3 replicates offset1 of replica1, then the pending produce returned
 (i.e. committed) Found scenario
  45. 53 offset 0 Producer Buffer 0 0 1 Producer2 Buffer

    Request 1 Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) 1 Request 2 •Producer produces a message again Found scenario
  46. 54 offset 0 Producer Buffer 0 0 1 Producer2 Buffer

    Request 1 Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) 1 Request 2 •Replica3 is marked as out-of-sync Found scenario
  47. 55 offset 0 Producer Buffer 0 0 1 Producer2 Buffer

    Request 1 Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Follower) Replica3 (Follower) 1 Request 2 •Replica1 died Found scenario
  48. 56 offset 0 Producer Buffer 0 0 1 Producer2 Buffer

    Request 1 Replica1 (Leader) Replica2 (Leader) Replica3 (Follower) Request 2 •Elect replica2 uncleanly
 => offset1 of replica1 lost while it’s already “committed” Found scenario
  49. •We found an edge-case scenario that leads data-loss even we

    choose a replica which
 has the latest offset as the new leader •Future work: Figure out more appropriate criteria to detect “eligible” replica •Formal methods are very useful for debugging ideas regarding
 distributed systems like Kafka Conclusion 57